Duties | 16

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Enemies drop to the ground and perish, as Xiao spins his spear, hitting it on the floor as it disappears. He takes off his Yaksha mask after cleaning up the last of the demons in this area, having other areas to patrol. A few powerless mortals ask for help every now and then, and some bother him with useless pleads to have their wishes granted. Xiao is numb to all of this, it not mattering if he has to do this for all of eternity because that's what he already signed up for when forming a contract with Rex Lapis. His work will not cease because of his retirement, because he still has a job to do. "Xiao!" A high pitch voice calls out. He turns around to see paimon floating to him, Aether walking a little farther behind. "What is it you need?" He said shortly, not wanting to waste time. "We're looking for (y/n), we need her help. Do you know where she is?" Paimon explained as she waved around her pointer finger lightly in explanation. "She's busy training. And what would you need from her?" He asked, crossing his arms.

"We read up that she's the adeptus of illusion and dreams, and we were wondering if she could help us with a problem that's been happening." Paimon stated, making Xiao raise a brow. "Oh? And what is this problem?" Paimon scratched her head while thinking about his question. "Well it started off as someone who was day dreaming a little too much, and the person who reported it to the adventures guild had said it was out of character for him. Before we were able to dismiss it as nothing important, we got more reports of five other people day dreaming. Now it seems like the number only grows" Aether told Xiao. He put his hand to his mouth in thought, thinking about the situation. "And did you investigate the mortal's behavior?" Xiao questioned, both of them nodding in response

"He was so lost in thought, he would mumble out random words and stare off into space. When we would try to scream or slap our hands in front of him, none of it worked." Paimon exclaimed, shrugging her arms "and when we investigated the other people, it was the same thing." Aether finished. Xiao thought about this information for a moment, before opening his mouth to speak, "Its possible the reasoning they are in this dream isn't anything (y/n) could be related to, but she can definitely help with the state of their mind. She's off training with the other adepti at Mt. Aozang. Tell them that adeptus Xiao gave her the okay to pause training." He told them, both of them smiling in response. "Thanks a lot Xiao!" Paimon exclaimed before both of them waved bye and left to head for Mt. Aozang.

Xiao then disappeared off to go get rid of more demons. He couldn't help but think, was this related to (y/n)'s nightmare? It didn't matter, it's in (y/n)'s hands now, so he should just leave it be. Right?


A bit after (y/n) left with the traveler, Xiao came by to talk with the other adepti. He wanted to know how (y/n)'s training was going. If he could, he would just watch over her in the shadows like he does with any other situation, but she's an adeptus, one at the same power level as him for that matter, spying on her wouldn't go unnoticed. Call Xiao's thinking creepy if wanted, but that's how he's been for decades. He would rather hide in the shadows then get himself involved with stuff. His only job is to fight, no reason to distract from that. He couldn't help but wonder about that one mortal though. He had only saw him once, but he already didn't like him. It was as if he recognized him, despite never knowing him. Not only that but with the dangerous vibes he was getting from him, (y/n) decided to lie about who he was. Just a man they met in Liyue? It was practically humorous. He could tell from the way she tensed up in his presence and the rude tone she used towards him that he wasn't just a stranger.

Nevermind about it, that doesn't matter. He can be suspicious about it another time, for right now he just needed to worry about her training. "It's good to see you adeptus Xiao, I see you sent that mortal over to get (y/n)." Cloud retainer said as she greeted him. He nodded "they needed her for a matter. I'm here to talk about (y/n)'s training, how has it been?" He asked. Cloud retainer hummed "very successful, she's gained more strength back, though she's still far from how she use to be." She replied, Xiao slightly smiling in response. He quickly realized this and relaxed his smile, it fading before Cloud Retainer could notice. "That's good" Xiao said looking away. "Yes, it indeed is. I've allowed her to choose out someone to fight with, to test her strength. That was a few days ago, but I'm sure she's already decided who she wants to battle with. They're most likely a very busy person knowing who (y/n) manages to get herself involved with" she said, a small laugh at the end. A fighting partner? Why didn't she just ask him? She always bothered him before, nothings different now. He really hoped she wasn't seeking someone dangerous.

"Is that so? Well, make sure she stays safe." Xiao told her. "Of course, I would not be a good trainer if I let her get hurt like that. Before you leave, I want to ask if you want me to tell her you were here" she asked. "No, it doesn't matter if she knew I was here or not." Cloud retainer nodded to his reply. "Very well, I hope your purge of conquering demons goes well today as normal." She stated as a goodbye before Xiao disappeared, off to continue his duties. Should he talk with (y/n)? It's almost been a week. He shook off his thoughts, he still has a job to do, that's more important than small talk.

The sleeping adeptus // Xiao x reader Where stories live. Discover now