Agreement | 20

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Despite Cloud Retainer saying the next step in your training was fighting, you didn't pick someone until weeks later. In the mean time they decided to continue with exercises. Cloud Retainer was right, the person you wanted to fight was busy, in fact it was hard to even find them. You didn't know when you would get the chance to talk to them, so the best bet was to go wondering around liyue. You were sure they would be near some type of combat, after all it was as if they were drawn to it. You had gotten the okay from Moon Carver and Cloud Retainer to leave the training ground, after all you weren't as weak as when you first woke. You avoided most hilichurls and treasure hoarders to save you the trouble. Coming up across another treasure hoarder group, you walked around them in the shadows, hiding behind trees and huge rocks. Just before you left you heard a similar voice, making your head peek out and look in the direction of the voice to investigate. "Don't you think you've asked us for too much money?" The voice spoke, it sounded soft but in it was an emptiness. There was no way it wasn't him, your eyes landing on him once you spotted him.

"Alright look, we told you already that we're gonna pay you back later 'kay? we just need a few more days." A treasure hoarder spoke. "A few days? That's what you said months ago. Now we could give you the time, but I don't think you deserve it" the man said, his voice sounding more serious. "Boss this is getting no where! It's obvious that he isn't falling for it anymore, let's just get this over with" another treasure hoarder in the back said, making the man quirk a brow. "Ah fine, a simple fatui diplomat ain't nothing we can't handle after all" the leader of the treasure hoarders ordered. The fatui man smiled, then began laughing. "Diplomat? That's cute. Well then, I suppose this could be a good warm up" he said, the treasure hoarders ignoring his big talk. He wasn't wrong, those people looked like they were trying their hardest while he looked relaxed. He defeated those people like he barely lifted a finger, stretching afterwards. "Alright, now who ever is hiding behind that worn down house can come out now." He spoke, speaking out to you. You then walked out from the shadows, stepping in front of him. Once he saw who you were a big grin grew on his face as his eyes squinted shut. "(Y/n)! I didn't think I'd see you again" Childe said.

"A part of me wishes it would stay that way" you told him with a bitter tone, him just laughing in return. "Aw come on there's no need to be mean, after all it seems like you were the one that came to seek me out. To be honest, I was surprised you didn't jump in and save those people, you seem like you quite enjoy doing that" he said, his teasing tone never leaving. "Those people steal, they aren't good people therefore why should I save them" you replied. You believed that only innocent people should be saved, not people that go around plotting schemes. Childe inhaled and let out a satisfied exhale "Ah, now these are the chats I truly enjoy" he said, putting his hands on his hips. You raised a brow at him "but we've only just begun talking, surely there have been more intriguing conversations" Childe squinted his eyes, humming as he thought for a moment. He then shrugged his shoulders. "I don't think that matters right now, anyways, would you like to tell me why you're here?" he questioned you. He was very much interested in why you decided to stalk him, or even show yourself. If you didn't want to save that person, then what did you want? "Surely you're not some kind of fan girl trying to get a peek at the most feared harbinger, right?" he teased, making you narrow your eyes at him

"No, I'm not. I came here because I want you to spar with me." Childe looked at you, kinda shocked at your reply. "but aren't you weakened? I don't think that's a good idea" he told you. Childe may be fatui but that doesn't mean he doesn't care about people. Childe was corrupt, and what ran through his mind 24/7 was battle. His childhood wasn't easy, and with the Tsarista giving him all he could desire, it only encouraged his hungry for battle more. With all of this, he still had a family, which he cared about. He put his job above his family, but he would still do anything for them, especially his little brother. Caring for his family let him stay out of his corruption long enough to stay sane, and that's all he needed.

"My trainers gave me the okay to go into battle, so its alright. Of course, if you don't want to I can always ask someone else, I already have someone in mind" you stated. He gave you a smile "no no! I never turn down a fight, but sadly I am busy right now" as expected, it wasn't a surprise that he couldnt do it today. You crossed your arms, sighing. Would you have to ask Xiao? Childe smiled nervously, holding his arms up in defense "hey what's with that sad look? We can still arrange for a time! Plus, we can both get time to prepare" he stated, his last sentence almost sounding ominous. "How about... During the lantern rite. Everyone will be busy in Liyue harbor, that no one should worry about the ruckus we make. " he suggested. You shook your head, "not that it would matter. Us adepti can make domains by simply snapping our fingers, but during the lantern rite would be good." Childe laughed, his eyes closed with enjoyment. "Amazing! Fighting you will definitely be a delight, though our first encounter already told me as much" he commented.

"Well then it's settled, during the lantern rite we will meet." Childe held his hand out. You stare at his hand, easing up a little as you reach out to shake it. "Yes, we will see each other then."


Aaaahh I'm so sorry it took me so long to get this out, anyways I'm back guys, get ready for more chapters

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