Reuniting | 11

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"Kill me? But, it's not like I was a threat to demons or anything" (y/n) stated, feeling confusion flood her head. "It's not like that. True darkness consumes your most vulnerable feeling, but it, itself, cannot consume goals or ideals." Xiao said back. "But with that said, it's most likely not darkness that consumed you, but rather someone else." He stated. (Y/n) rubbed her forehead in stress, feeling a headache start to form. Was she enemies with anyone? No, not really. The whole thing made her feel dizzy. Xiao and moon carver noticed this and they both looked at each other, nodding as they understood what they were both thinking. "This is a lot to process, we'll pick up once I have more information on the situation." Moon carver stated to (y/n). She looked at him and nodded. "Well then (y/n), let's get going." Xiao spoke out to her, both of them saying goodbye and leaving.

Xiao looked at (y/n)'s troubled expression and sighed. "You shouldn't concern yourself with it too much. After all, we're just trying to find out what happened centuries ago, that's all." Xiao said to her. She looked at him and nodded after pausing for a little bit. But still, who would hate her enough to do something like that? She couldn't wrap her head around it. Xiao saw that she was still puzzled, feeling troubled on how to resolve this. He decided that (y/n) overthinking things was inevitable and just let it be. Xiao was also confused about the situation. His duty as a Yaksha is to rid the world of all darkness by slaughter, yet he couldn't even save (y/n) from it. Did he fail as a Yaksha? The whole situation went right under his nose, and that angered him.

He sighed, making (y/n) snap out of her thoughts. "Xiao?" (Y/n) called out to him. "No (y/n), I'm fine." He said, already use to her being worried for him. She looked at the ground, her brows furrowing a bit as she still felt worried. "If you say so" she quietly stated. She wished he would just let her help, but all he ever thought or felt was agony and suffering. It's hard to reason with someone like that. Although, weirdly enough Xiao has been oddly nice to (y/n). she looked at him for a second to see him keeping close to (y/n), and ever so often looking around. (Y/n) looked at him in confusion, before smiling and holding his hand, intertwining her fingers with his as he looks at her in shock. "You being so close to me gave me the opportunity to hold hands, I like this" she said with a wide proud grin. Xiao scoffed and tried to pry her hand off of his, while (y/n) laughed at his struggles. Eventually, he tripped her, making her let go of his hand. (Y/n) fell to the floor with a sequel as Xiao stopped for a moment before continuing to walk. "Next time think before doing something so embarrassing with a Yaksha." He said coldly as (y/n) huffed.

Xiao looked off into the distance and saw some monsters. He looked at (y/n), who was currently getting back up "I'll be back, I need to do something real quick." He said before his polearm appeared in his hand. (Y/n) looked at him with a lightened expression "wait! Are you going to fight monsters? You should let me help" (y/n) said, and by the time she finished speaking she knew what answer he would give. "No, you're too weak to fight." He stated before vanishing to go deal with it. Too weak? That made (y/n)'s blood boil. He could've just said no, he didn't need to say that. She huffed and waited for him to come back, until she heard a familiar voice speaking out, one that she recognized almost instantly.

"Too weak? What's that about?" She heard a man from behind speak out. Her brows furrowed as she turned around quickly, only to be met with nothing, the silence after words filling her confusion. She spent a moment looking around before turning back around. When she turned, she saw someone right in front of her, her being at about chest height for them. She raised her arms as she thought she was gonna run into them, from the sudden scare that they were there. The man grabbed ahold of her wrists roughly and she gritted her teeth trying to pull her wrists away. She looked at him and glared "fatui."

Childe smiled at her with his eyes squint shut. "You couldn't even remember my name? Or is it just that you don't wanna address someone like me with the privileges of having a name?" He asked, as she finally got herself out of his grip. "What do you want? Don't make me fight you." She said. Childe threw his hands up in defense "relax! I'm not here to pick a fight, I promise. Plus, it would seem you can't pick one either." He stated to her, making her look at the ground. He chuckled "no need to get depressed about it! Though I was definitely hoping you were a more worthy opponent." He said after his little chuckle. "I am a worthy opponent, the question is if you are. I can still use my adeptus strength, it just takes a toll on my body." (Y/n) stated. Childe crossed his arms "is that so? Well in that case, I can relate to you. My foul legacy transformation, which is me at my strongest, also takes a toll on my body. Maybe one day when you're capable, we can fight! Of course it'll be harmless." He said the last part with a smile. (Y/n) glanced at him "harmless or not, I feel like the adepti will have to fight your people either way." She coldly stated, making him laugh.

"Still, I hope we can get along. Now it would seem that the adeptus accompanying you is almost done clearing those monsters, so I'll get going now." He said as (y/n) stayed quiet. He turned around as he waved bye "let's meet again sometime. Bye, (y/n)!" He said walking off. "Bye Fatui" she said back, making Childe laugh as he walked "it's Childe!" He yelled out before finally leaving. Not too long after he disappeared out of her sight, Xiao came back. He looked at (y/n) with a raised brow "who was that?" He asked, already having saw the mortal. (Y/n) hesitated in answering that "just a man I met at Liyue" she said, smiling. "Very well. Now come, we should get back to Wangshu inn now." He said as he continued to walk, (y/n) following after him.

The sleeping adeptus // Xiao x reader Where stories live. Discover now