Turning point | 24

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Staring at the ground, there Scaramouche was, on one knee as he bowed to his archon. He could practically feel the fear radiating off of the diplomats behind him. If it was scaramouche's way, he would just go ahead and kill those idiots. Apart of Scaramouche's job was to take the blame for his diplomats, whether it was clear it was their fault or not, He had to bare the embarrassment of failure. "Your greatness, I'm here to report the results of the capture." Scaramouche finally spoke, his gaze staying to the floor. The silence barely lasted a second, but it felt so long as Scaramouche felt his oxygen was running out. "What is it." The Tsarista spoke. Scaramouche swallowed, opening his mouth "we were able to catch her, but she escaped. The fatui diplomats assigned to this assignment failed to watch her properly, but I've already taken care of them." He stated. It felt like everyone in the room was staring at him, as the disappointment in the air remained. "Very well. This will remain your top priority until she is in our possession. This task will only get more difficult the more you fail." He could only nod to her statement. "Now leave."

Later, now in his office, Scaramouche stared at papers in front of him, writing with his brows furrowed. So much planning, and so little time. Scaramouche was more than confident that he could take you down, it wouldn't be a problem with you on the battlefield, but the Tsarista wanted you gone as soon as possible. Scara heard the sound of his office door opening, then closing. He stopped writing, only his eyes looking up as his eyes laid upon a female fatui diplomat. "Lord Scaramouche, I have brought lord Childe as requested." She said as she moved out of the way for Childe to walk up to Scaramouche's desk. The diplomat quickly left, "what is it you want Scaramouche? I'm not a man with much free time."
Scara smiled, placing his pen down and leaning back in his chair. "Childe, how have you been? Seen your family yet?" He asked, Childe narrowing his eyes. "Stop with the small talk, I know you want something from me."
"Ah, of course you see right through me, you're not dumb after all, even though it seems that way." His comments made Childe wish he wasn't here, that he could be else where taking care of his business. "For the last time, what do you want from me" Scara chuckled, leaning back up and looking Childe in the eyes. "I think you'll be very useful to me, if you cooperate." He smiles


Xiao sat at the edge of his bed, the air thick with panic and silence. Although, for Xiao it was anything but silence. You really left her like that? What a monster! Make up your mind. She doesn't need more worries. But this is worrying her even more. She needs to finish her training. Will you shut up? She doesn't even care about training! The voices in his head weren't making any sense, it was like a whispering crowd. He held his hand to the side of his head, feeling the pain starting to reel in. Do you not want to tell her because you think you don't deserve it? Cause of what you did? That was the enough for Xiao, he stood up, as he took the small table next to his bed and tossed it, him holding his head in pain. "Enough..I can't take this.." he growled to himself.

"Xiao.." he looked over to see Verr standing at the entrance of the room. He just stared at her, she had never seen him look so bad. She wondered if she should even open her mouth, already in fear of the look he was giving her. "Are you.. okay? Do you want to talk about it.." she offered, his gaze not leaving her. If looks could kill, Verr wouldn't even be breathing by the time she walked into the room. Xiao slowly started to walk to her, Verr taking small steps back as her body shook. Xiao stopped as soon as he was only two inches away from her, Verr's breathing getting uneasy. "You mortals have no right to bother adepti. Leave if you know what's good for you." With that warning, Verr quickly reached behind her and grabbed the doorknob, leaving the room. There Xiao stood, his expression softening. He took large inhales, exhaling at the same amount. He needed to calm himself, he wouldn't last like this. Maybe it was for the better that he didn't tell you his feelings, he's too out of control. He couldn't do anything for her, he didn't understand emotions as well as she did. He wished that he wouldn't have to hurt her, more than he already has.

Verr went down stairs, one of the workers looking at her with worried eyes. She just looked at them and shook her head "he didn't want to open up, I was hoping he could let off some steam by talking about it." The worker sighed at her report. "What happened earlier was so awful, that other adeptus means so much to her yet this is how they part." The worker stated, Verr nodding in agreement. "It's okay, only time will help those two, (y/n) will have to be a little more patient for her own good." Verr said, walking back over to behind her desk. She gently pet the cat that sat on top of the counter, smiling. She looked back at the other worker, "well it's time to get back to work, we have our part to play, and it's not in their business." The worker sighed, wanting to do more to help. They just walked off, going to help some guests with their questions and needs.


This chapter and the last were both a little short, but don't you guys worry the next chapter will be an exciting one, and definitely one that will take me some time to write.

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