Confrontation | 27

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"Quickly! Help her!" Verr yelled at the two adepti that stood there mouth agap. Snapping out of it, Xiao was the first to come to your aid. Using Verr and Xiao's help, you stood up as your arms rested around their necks. "(Y/n), I'm so glad you have finally awoken!" Cloud retainer spoke, walking up to you. You pressed your lips into a thin line as you thought about how it had only been a couple of months and they were already thinking of getting rid of you. Maybe you're feeling this way because of the frustration from the dream, as you still hadn't recovered from the small bit of information you were given. "Yea, no thanks to you." You finally spoke, breaking the silence that seemed to fill the lobby. Earning the shocked looks from those who were staring at you, Cloud Retainer replied, "what do you mean no thanks? I have been keeping you refreshed in my abode."

"No, I am refreshed from my own healing. It's not normal for an adeptus to not be able to use their powers because of 'physical' reasons." You stated, Cloud Retainer scoffing as Xiao looked at you confused. "What is this preposterous nonsense you are going on about?! What claims are you stating." She exclaimed, you narrowing your eyes. You had found this out during your walk to the Wangshu Inn. You finally pieced it together, why you had no ability to use your energy after you woke. "When I fell asleep, and was in your possession, I had the ability to heal myself, to keep myself maintained. You were the one draining me!" That's right, you were starting to remember your powers more, which means you knew why you were weak. From the change in Cloud Retainer's manner, you could tell she was found out. Furrowing his brows, Xiao looked at Cloud Retainer. "What is she talking about?" He asked, his tone sounding questioning but you could feel the angry behind it. Finally finding the balance to stand on your own, you let go of the two helpers and stare at Cloud Retainer, waiting her response.

"Why don't we talk about this somewhere private." She spoke, turning around as she flapped her wings and took off up to the top of the stairs. Right as you were about to walk, you felt a hand tightly grasp your waist. Looking up at Xiao, you could feel your face start to heat up. Even though he only meant to help you walk, you could see Xiao's expression change as he realized what he had just done. Looking away, he spoke, "let's go." Looking at his reddened ears, you couldn't help but smile. Wrapping your arm around the top of his shoulders, you two make your way to the balcony. It felt like even despite the tense situation, your heart couldn't stop fluttering when you were this close to the feared and lonely Yaksha. You two haven't even discussed what you had said all those months ago, when you out of no where told him your feelings. You couldn't blame him, it was so sudden. But still, you couldn't help but crave an answer.

Finally making your way to the balcony, Xiao let go of you as you stood by yourself. "Now, explain." Xiao demanded as he crossed his arms. Cloud Retainer looked out at the sky of Liyue, relaxing herself as she turned around to face the two of you. "Three hundred years ago, (y/n), I knew you were corrupted by darkness." Eyes growing wide, you stared in shock as Xiao also displayed the same disbelief. Seeing the confusion grow in your face, Cloud Retainer continued, "at the time... I was the only one to notice because when the other adepti let me keep you in my adobe, I saw the darkness that was quickly growing on you. It did not look like it was going to turn you, but rather like it was trying to drain your life source away."

"I did my best to get rid of this by myself but.. that meant draining you of your power." Finishing her sentence, she watched as your head laid low, as your brows furrowed. Silent from the shock, you couldn't even really hear anything else. "Why did you not let me handle it?! I am the conqueror of demons, this could've been handled differently!" Xiao exclaimed, his angry tone growing. Cloud Retainer shook her bird like head, replying to what he had said. "And would that way be executing (y/n) before it became too much to handle?" your ears perked at this question, as you lifted your head to glance at Xiao, also wondering his response. Pressing his lips into a small line as Xiao's expression changed into a sad one, you could see that sadness quickly hide behind a tough front. "It would have been better than all of the suffering that followed it."

Frowning, you hugged your sides, clenching onto the loose clothes that enclosed your body. You knew he would reply with that, it was the harsh truth. When people became corrupt, it was usually easier to eliminate the problem than try to help to help it. Still, even after accepting this fact, you couldn't help but feel tears dwell within your eyes, biting your lip as you tried to prevent them from coming. "I did not want to accept (y/n)'s fate! Shenhe... she has endured the same darkness, but her mortal body would not be able to handle draining the darkness out, therefore she cannot feel emotions because of her binds. I did not want (y/n) to face death, so I put her to the test to see if she could handle it." You felt touched at how Cloud Retainer cared enough to do all this work in secret, just to keep you alive. While yes you had to endure a lot because of it, you still found it to be sweet.

"That means there's nothing now right? I mean... I'm normal." You spoke, trying to steer the conversation in a positive direction. "I suppose so... but if what Cloud Retainer said is true, that means the darkness that one clung onto you from the bloodshed of a god, had now roamed wherever it pleased and others may have been affected so." Xiao narrowed his eye, him practically rejecting your advances to a different topic. "Still... what happened has happened, there is no going back now." Cloud retainer stated. Feeling the silence sink into your mind, you sighed. "You guys can discuss this on your own, I need a moment." You broke the silence, holding your side in pain as you turned around to leave. Seeing Xiao's worried look as he raised his hands to help you, you shook your head in rejection.

Holding tightly onto the railing as you went down, you finally made it down to what use to be where you would rest. Slowly walking over, you then roughly sat down on the soft material. Wincing in pain, you clenched your side. Raising your hand, you saw the blood that slightly dampened your hand, seeing how you were bleeding through your bandages. Sighing, you lay down to relax. As surprising as this new information was, you expected something like this. You knew there wasn't going to be a lighthearted answer to why you fell asleep for three hundred years, and this just proved it. Resting your eyes, you enjoyed the quiet, as you had no one else to interrupt this peace, not for awhile at least. You knew Xiao was gonna be up there for awhile, due to his anger. Now, all you had to do was wait.

The sleeping adeptus // Xiao x reader Where stories live. Discover now