Bleeding out | 25 (pt.1 finale)

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This chapter contains graphic descriptions of injuries, and may be uncomfortable for some reader

It felt like it had been so long since Xiao practically rejected you, time stretched out and made your days unbearable. It was even hard for you to get sleep. You never experienced anything like this, Xiao was your first love, or at least the love that you remember. You could always feel a sense of security with him, and care for him. Xiao would beat himself up all the time about the karma and debt that has built up over the centuries, but you always knew he deserved better. In reality, Xiao use to be gentle, and caring, but he forced himself to stray from that side of him. You weren't gonna seek him out for a clearer answer, or to even bother him. You knew he needed his time with this.

Your mind kept replaying that moment in your head as you tried to stay asleep. That moment when you made yourself vulnerable in order to finally hear what was on his mind. You didn't hate him for it, rather you just felt embarrassed. It was the middle of the night, and you had just woke up again. Keeping your eyes closed shut, letting your mind drift off in order to let you sleep. A faint laughter sound starts to force itself into your mind. By nature, you get curious and open your eyes, to see you're in a completely new environment. There was nothing but darkness for miles, and the floor there seemed to be a low water level, that was barely pass your feet.

For a moment, there was silence. Nothing but you and your thoughts left to linger. After a few moments, the laughter came back. You turned in every direction you heard it from. Behind, next to you, in front of you. You stop, looking out into the distance, hoping to see something. In one last final attempt, you turn around, finally seeing something. It was a silhouette of someone, who looked to be the same height as you. It had a slight blue color to its barely visible body. You studied it in confusion, looking at it in its, where there should be, eyes. "Who are you?" You ask, in a small voice. Although you called out to it, it didn't make a sound, standing there silently. "I don't have the time to deal with this now... all these weird dreams popping up, just stop. I don't want you here." You confront it, the silhouette still not responding, just staring. You didn't know what to do, nothing was changing, the atmosphere stayed empty and absent, the person just stood there, it was like there was no way out.

You furrow your brows, clenching your fist as you open your mouth again "I DON'T want you here!" You yell louder, in which it echoed, the sounds just carrying throughout the empty environment. Seconds later, it seemed like the loudness was heading back, it felt like there was loud shaking. The atmosphere turned red, the person watching you struggle to stand still. Eventually, you lose your balance, falling back into the water like floor, except now there's nothing there to hold your weight, and you fall inside the water. You raise your arms up, trying to swim, or get anyone to save you. You see the reflection of a person lean closer to the water. They seemed to be the silhouette, except now you can see them. It's the girl, the little one you couldn't save before. She just stared at you as you struggled to breathe, eventually she stuck her hand in the water and pulled you up,

Back into reality. You wake up to see a white haired human, with hair covering one eye, and red ropes tied to her outfit. She was holding your hand as if she just pulled you awake. You let go, "shenhe? Why are you here, I thought you wanted to attend the lantern rite." You ask. Shenhe is fast with her reply, as always. "I did. The lantern rite is almost over, the fireworks have already gone off." You get up and look outside, seeing nothing but the darkness and the man made lights in the distance. How did you sleep that long after being so restless? "I need to get going, shenhe tell cloud retainer that I'm-" paused mid sentence, Cloud retainer interrupted you. "No need. You were deep in slumber, so your spar partner showed up here instead, he is outside." You walk past shenhe and Cloud Retainer, walking out of the adepti's domain to see the ginger waiting there. He didn't seem the slightest bit bored, waiting for you. You look over to see him talking to the one person you didn't want to see right now. Xiao looked at you, his gaze frightening as you can tell Childe told him something he didn't need to know.

The sleeping adeptus // Xiao x reader Where stories live. Discover now