Contract | 15

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You could barely remember last night, the events at liyue harbor that you were so eager to do yesterday are nothing but blurs now. The only thing that clouded your mind was the memory of Moon Carver yelling at you. You instantly got up, your heart racing at the idea of being late to training. Fear, that's what you felt. It wasn't pettiness, it wasn't sadness, and it was definitely not joy. Moon carver told you something that made your blood boil, feeling anger towards yourself. You were an adeptus, with the duty of following Rex Lapis's orders, and you were told that you failed. You were told you were disrespectful, a disgrace, and you truly felt like it. You quickly carried out your morning routine and got going to the training ground. As much as you hated this, and as much as you wanted to go back to Xiao, you couldn't, and instead of whining about it you've learned to just stay in your place and train.

You wished you could be mad at Moon carver, that this is just all his fault and that he just couldn't understand you, but it felt like you were getting shamed by all of the adepti. Ganyu was too scared to even defend you, Cloud Retainer could barely get a word in, and their scared silence served enough as an agreement. You don't blame them, you were acting like a child. You didn't even need to see what Xiao's response would be, you already know he'd be upset too. You sighed, realizing how much you were distracted by this and decided to just forget about it. Sure anger can be motivation, but it's not good for the mental health. Finally arriving at the training ground, you saw Cloud Retainer already there. You rushed over and stopped in front of her "I'm not late am I?" You asked her, her simply shaking her head in response. "No, In fact you're right on time, I just happened to be here a few moments before your arrival. Of course as they say, the early bird gets the worm" she said, sharing a small laugh at the end, you just nervously laughing back. Yes it's a normal saying, but she's quite literally a bird. "For training, I was thinking instead of exercise, we could test out your strength." She suggested, your expression lightening at the idea.

"Test my strength? Like fighting?" You questioned, her nodding in response. You felt like jumping in joy, but you forced your legs to stay still as you held in your excitement. A smile that refused to back down peered it's way onto your face. You allow yourself to feel excited for a moment before gathering yourself a little and looking at her "How is it gonna work? Will I be fighting someone?" Cloud retainer hummed to your question. "Yes, though I decided to leave who you were fighting up to you. You know your strength and you know your motivations, you should fight who you think will be beneficial to your training." She stated. You looked at the ground, thinking. Someone who would be beneficial? Your thoughts pondered from person to person in your mind, trying to decide on someone. "That said-" Cloud retainer started, pausing as she grabbed your attention. "You do not have to decide at the moment. I'm sure whoever you choose will be a busy person, so the training does not have to be today." She finished.

You looked at her, confusion showing in your expression "But today is a scheduled training day, I can't miss out on that" you protest, it having little to no effect on her. "It does not matter if your training is today or the next, you have time (y/n), so do not rush yourself." She reassured you. You let out a sigh in defeat. With everything happening, you were really hoping to train. "And plus, Moon Carver wants to talk with you." You felt your body freeze up. He wants to talk to you? Guilt flooded into you as you remembered how angry he felt. Cloud retainer picked up on this "Don't worry, I'm sure it's nothing harsh. And even if it was, you're still an adeptus correct? You can handle it. He's over at Qingyun Peak" she told you. You simply nodded and took in a sharp inhale, and headed off to see him. Your legs felt stiff, and your body felt heavy, as if your body was dreading doing this. What did he want? Was he gonna give you a stricter schedule, or was he gonna continue to be angry like last night.

Getting to Qingyun Peak won't take you long, which just made you want to slow down. You knew you couldn't, but didn't stop from you getting the idea. You eventually got there, and your eyes glanced around to find Moon Carver.
Finding him staring off at the sky, you walked over to him. You stood next to him, also admiring the view. You didn't want to say anything yet, it felt like you didn't have a right to. "(Y/n), do you know the meaning of a contract?" Moon carver finally spoke up. You looked at him, brows furrowed in confusion. "Of course I know, I have one with the god of contracts" you told him, moon carver nodding. "Yes, so both you and I know that contracts are strict, and if you break one it will not be pleasant. They're nothing but a non-physical thing, just something you're bound to. But Rex lapis, despite being the god of contracts, is still caring. He took care of the mortals in Liyue, took pity on those who were suffering, and did that for many years. For me to strip you of similar kind and caring nature, truly makes me ashamed, to only seeing our god for his title and not his meaning." He says. You thought about his words, shocked at the thought of him feeling sorry. The incident yesterday was hardly his fault, you caused most of it, but most importantly it's more surprising to see him ashamed because for years before you fell asleep, he stayed the same.

He never apologized, never thought of you as anything but a nuisance, and continued that for as long as you could remember. Another thing was that you have been acting more energetic after you woke, more free in a way, despite you still being bound by a contract between you and Rex Lapis. You looked at the ground, "I suppose I've been so eager to be with the mortals because me feeling powerless makes me feel like I do not belong here as an adeptus. I keep running off hoping I can have a moment of peace where the mortals normal live." You stated, thinking about how you've been acting. "I suppose part of your training should also be to make you feel like an adeptus again, and not just training your physical strength, after all serving under Rex lapis has more meaning than just power." You nodded to Moon carver's statement. You furrowed your brows, still confused at something. "There's still something I'm not understanding,"

"After yesterday, why have you and Cloud Retainer been so kind to me?" You questioned. "Yesterday I was too harsh on you, I called you many things that was unnecessary and vulgar. But, as much as I feel ashamed, I'm sure you do as well." He said to you. He was right, you knew last night wouldn't have happened if you just stayed and trained, but he didn't have a right to lash out. Both of you were at fault, so neither of you have a right to be angry. "We're both capable of preventing arguments, which is why we will forget yesterday even happened, and continue with your training." You nodded in agreement, him turning to fully look at you. "That said, Cloud Retainer told me you're suppose to be picking someone to go up against today, shouldn't you get going to find them?" He told you. "Ah, right, I should do that now"

The sleeping adeptus // Xiao x reader Where stories live. Discover now