The Fatui | 5

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Tysm for almost 800 reads! I apologize for not updating much. Oh also technically (y/n) fell asleep 3700 years ago instead of 300, but I'm too lazy to change that. Have fun reading though


The second day of training wasn't too hard. Xiao made sure not to push you too hard sense you were still sore, but that said you were still tired. You had gone to liyue in plans to buy something from an antique store. Yesterday you saw something that caught your eye, but you knew that Xiao would threaten to end you if you took too long, so you took the free time you had and decided to go shopping during it. You then forgot that you didn't have mora.It seemed as if the demand for mora now a days has increased. You sighed, scratching your head.

As you were about to turn away from the shop, someone tapped you on the shoulder, grabbing your attention. It was a man with a mask on his face. You squinted your eyes, not being able recognize where it's from. "Excuse me miss, it would seem that you're having some money issues?" He asked you. You shrugged off the whole mask thing and just smiled awkwardly. "Ah yea, I don't have any mora." The man smirked, which made you raise a brow. "Well, if you'd like to start a contract with the fatui, we would kindly lend you some mora. How does 300,000 sound?" He asked. You smiled happily. "Of cou-" before you could finish agreeing, you heard a similar man interrupt you as he spoke out to the man. "I apologize, but it would seem this nice lady isn't interest in making a contract. She isn't very aware of the fatui and their intentions." The man said as he crossed his arms. You looked over to see Zhongli standing by your side.

The fatui man scoffed. "Intentions? We aren't doing anything bad, just simply supplying this nice woman with mora, nothing more." He explained. "Either way, we will be taking our leave now." Zhongli said as he gestured for you two to leave. "Ugh, no need. I'll be leaving now, the fatui have much better deals than this one in the first place." The man said, walking away. Once he was gone, Zhongli looked at you. "I'm surprised to see you (y/n), I would have expected you to stay away from mortals. Despite wanting to protect them, adepti seem to have a hatred for them." He said.

You smiled, he was a good friend. "Oh, I don't hate mortals, I'm rather fond of them! For some reason Xiao is always getting on to me about that though.." you say. "Ah I see, you truly are a rare case. Anyways, you should be careful about those people wearing masks. They're known as the fatui, and they are a group of people from Snezhnaya, who worship the cyro archon. No one is able to pick up on whatever they're planning, yet it seems they're always doing something wrong. One thing they do a lot is that they trick clients into going in to debt, which is what that man wanted to do to you." He explained. You nodded. "Huh, I guess a lot really did happen while I was gone." Zhongli nodded to this comment. "But do not worry, you will be told details when needed. Being flooded with information will definitely make you anxious." He reassured to you. You smiled sweetly "thank you"

"So were you planning on getting something from this shop? It would seem that he walked up to you while you were browsing here." Zhongli asked you. "Mhm, I saw something that caught my eye yesterday and had come to get and get it. The store still has it, yet I misjudged my situation with mora." You said, sighing. "No worries, it would happen that I have some left over mora from dinning earlier." He said before clearing his throat "despite my lecture, the mora is in fact from the fatui... but a young man generously gave me it, and if the fatui ever decided to make me pay up, I would be able to handle myself" he stated as you nodded. Your expression then saddened with guilt "if you're offering up your mora, I would have to decline, I don't want to be greedy" you say to him "I can just earn the mora myself and come back another day" Zhongli shook his head to your statement

"No need. This is an antique store, which means the items within are one of a kind. If someone other than you were to purchase the item you want, the store would not be able to restock it." He explained. You sighed as you gave in to his offer "if you say so.. but, one day let me make it up to you! I'm definitely not in a spot to repay you right now, though I promise you the day will come" you say to him with smile. "I would appreciate that a lot, (y/n), thank you." He handed you the bag of mora "I have to take my leave now, work starts soon for me. If you ever run into the fatui again, come see me, though I'm sure Xiao will be able to help you with that" he says to you as you nervously smile "yea though, I don't want to give him a reason to yell at me..." you say, jokingly. Zhongli let out a small chuckle, before waving bye and leaving to the funeral parlor.

You walk into the store and once you find the item again, you walk up to it with a smile. It was a small charm that was a little smaller than the palm of your hand. It was emerald green, and some words on the back that meant caution. You didn't know that it had a meaning on it, the only thing that caught your attention was the design and the color. You walk up to the owner of the store, holding the charm lightly in your hand. "Ma'am, would you happen to know what this means?" You asked. The lady asked to see the charm, as she turned it around to examine the meaning. "This is a charm that was given by an adventurer from Inazuma a long time ago. Apparently it was a family hand-me-down, that would bring peace to unsettling thoughts when in your possession. The meaning caution on the back is served as a warning, because many of the people in that family would underestimate the charm, and when the charm would leave their hands, the thoughts of darkness would consume them." She said.

"Despite the warning, the charm was good luck for the family, for the most part. The person who gave me this was a small child. Apparently the family faced a great tragedy, and the kid wanted to get rid of items from their house, to rid them of the memories." You looked at the charm. Such a big meaning behind such a small object. You were no idiot of the pain Xiao suffered, sense you were around for the time where the other yakshas became over come by the darkness they felt with every kill and slaughter of others. It always brought you pain, thinking about how much Xiao had to go through, and not only that, but by now he had been going through it for eons. You smiled at the lady as you handed her the bag of mora " I would like to buy it" you said. The lady gave you a look that was mixed with surprise, and the 'are you serious' look. You smiled brightly as she handed you the charm, taking it in your hand.


I wanted to get this chapter out before the day Xiao comes out, cause ik y'all will be busy af trying to get him. Good luck btw!!

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