Headache | 12

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Hey guys! So I'm back from my break and ready to get the fanfic back on the road, sorry for the wait. After not writing for a bit I decided that it's probably better if I continue the main story first before giving you guys the smut special


You walked up the stairs of Wangshu Inn, sighing lightly as you rubbed your temples. Why did that troublesome man have to show up now? You asked yourself. It felt like a million questions were going through your head, not only about childe but about the whole darkness situation. Your head was started to ache. Xiao looked at you, already understanding the situation. He closed his eyes as he looked down. He wasn't sure how to comfort you, mainly because he doesn't know how to comfort at all. The last thing you need right now is a harsh lecture, and giving you one will most likely start an argument.

He shook his head and told himself mentally to just forget about it. He looked back up to you and raised a brow "are you getting a headache?" He questioned, gently bringing the back of his hand to your head. "Your forehead feels hot. You should probably lay down, it's been quite stressful for you, given the whole issue with you falling asleep." He spoke to you. You looked at him with a softened expression, a bit surprised that he was being caring. It's already obvious that most of the time he was harsh, but that didn't necessarily mean anything bad. Xiao's nature is to be mean, and so even when he's trying to be caring it can come off as him being rude. But this time it seemed like he was really trying. You could tell in his voice that he was struggling with what to say.

You smiled lightly "you're probably right. Still, I can't believe you're not being a bully and telling me to work harder." You stated, making him raise a brow. "A bully? Is that what you call me when I'm trying to help you when you're practically as weak as a human?" He said with a cold tone, going back to his normal behavior. You laughed a little, still feeling too tired for being energetic as usual. "But still, you can go rest. I'll go and get the needed medicine for your headache." You nodded at his comment "thank you" you said back. He then vanished off. You sighed, going up to your room and laying down on your bed. You hugged onto a cold pillow, too tired to get under the blankets. You closed your eyes, trying to fall asleep. You kept thinking about how that darkness tried to kill you. You kept questioning why. You groaned and shook your head. I need to just relax You thought. You nuzzled yourself face into the pillow and kept your eyes closed. Eventually you finally started falling asleep, your eyes growing heavy and your body feeling light.


(Y/n).. okay....

A voice called out, but was too fuzzy to understand.

(Y/n).. are you..

It's still so fuzzy, it's getting hard to even focus.


"(Y/n)!" A young stern voice called out, startling you. You looked around confused. You were kneeling down staring at some type of dead grass. "(Y/n) are you okay? I've been calling out to you for a good while now." The voice called out again from behind you. You turned around and looked up to see a young girl with her hands on her hips. "Oh, ah my bad. I didn't hear you." You said slowly, not quite understanding where you are. The young girl shook her head and sighed "honestly, you always have your head in the clouds. Now c'mon, get inside, it's dangerous outside." She said, reaching out and grabbing your hand as she pulled you up. She pulled you as she tried to walk, you hesitating to follow as confusion grew in your head. "Dangerous? Why?" You asked, stammering a bit. She looked at you like you were crazy. "Because the war is going on right now, why else?" She stated. You grew more confused. War? Did she mean the archon war? You thought. You caught a glimpse of a puddle, and you looked at it as the girl dragged you.

You saw your reflection and furrowed your brows. You were... small? Like a child almost. You scratched your head as you returned your gaze to in front of you. Eventually the little girl dragged you into a small sad looking house. A loud bang happened, the sound echoing everywhere as the ground shook. You flinched, feeling startled but the girl in front of you wasn't even bothered, she just pulled you inside the house. "Guaiwu did you get your sister inside?" A male voice yelled out. "Yes I did papa!" The young girl answered back. So that's her name? And sister? Do they mean me? You thought.

"(Y/n)? Are you okay?" She asked. You looked at her and tilted your head slightly "you've asked that a lot now." You pointed out, making her laugh. "Well can you blame me? I haven't seen you in awhile." She said, the last part making you furrow your brows. You looked at her "..what?" You asked quietly. "What do you mean what? I said you were spacing out for awhile." She said with a confused tone. You looked at the ground confused but shook it off. Where you were, or why you were there, didn't make sense, yet for some reason you felt the want to ignore it. Why? Why did you want to stay here? You looked at the girl that was picking up a red looking ball. She turned around to face you as she stood up, smiling. "I'm getting tired of playing tag, let's play something else today." Guaiwu said happily. You smiled and nodded "yea, sounds good."

Once you replied, suddenly she was gone, the house was torn up and dark, it was almost as if it was a different time. You looked around confused then saw the blood trail on the floor. You fell to the floor and backed away. Oh that's right, this isn't reality. A voice rang through your head, making your head pound as your groaned in pain. The reality is that you left her

To die.


You shot awake as you sat up quickly, breathing heavily as you looked around. You were clenching onto the sheets of the bed in a death grip. What was that? Why did I have that dream? You thought. Xiao had just walked up the stairs, and when he saw the state you were in he rushed over to you with a worried look. "What? What is it (y/n) are you okay?" He continued to ask you as you continued to try and catch your breath, you holding your head in agony. It felt like your head was spinning, and that you were drowning. Eventually you calmed down, and you looked at the floor with tired eyes. "Ah Yea I'm fine, just a nightmare is all." You said quietly to Xiao, who still had a worried expression. He sighed "I'm sorry, if I got here a few minutes earlier I could've helped you." He said. You shook your head, reassuring him that it was alright. "What was it about?" He asked.

"It was uhm... it was about.." you slowly tried to piece it together, the memories of the nightmare already blurred as if it happened a long time ago. "It seems like you can't remember. It's alright, I won't pressure you about the details." Xiao said, trying to be comforting. "For now just take this medicine and go back to sleep, this time I'll be able to monitor you if anything happens." He said to you, you nodding in return. What exactly was that..

The sleeping adeptus // Xiao x reader Where stories live. Discover now