Errand Day | 4

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The fire on the ground was finally put out as it seems the battle had ended and finally calmed down. You'd think everyone would be happen that it was over, but all that was left was a sad atmosphere.

Xiao felt his heart sank as he watched you collapse to the floor. He rushed over to you, raising you up slightly as he kneeled down. Two of the other adepti came, as Xiao looked at them "what's wrong with (y/n)?" Xiao asked. "It would seem she's passed out from pushing herself too hard. But no worries, she should awake in a few days." Moon caver spoke. Xiao looked back at you, with worry in his eyes. After that, days past, along with weeks and months.

Xiao was so frustrated. 'Why were you waking? Just open your eyes. Stop making me worry.' He thought. He sat next to the bed you laid in. He clutched his fist as he felt himself get more angry. He hated how he didn't have the answers to why you were sleeping. He heard the door open to see cloud retainer. "I'm sorry Xiao but..."

"It would seem that (y/n) has passed away..."


Xiao woke up with wide eyes as he shot up, breathing heavily. He held his hands to his chest, as he still felt like his heart was broken from hearing that. "Uh, Xiao?" He looked over to the direction of the voice to see (y/n) sitting in a chair facing his bed. "Are you okay?" She asked. He finally calmed down, as he felt his heart stop racing. He looked at her worried expression as she tilted her head. He then kicked her chair back, making her fall as she yelped. "Why are you watching me sleep." Xiao asked in an agitated tone. (y/n) whined "owwww I'm still sore from yesterday, why would you do that.." she said, rubbing her back. "You haven't answered my question." Xiao spoke. "I can't help it, you're just so cute when you sleep" (y/n) smiled as she laughed a little. "I'm what?" He said as he raised a brow. (y/n) could tell from the tone in his voice that she had pissed him off. She quickly got up from the ground and backed up slightly, rubbing the back of her neck "ahahaha? Did I say cute? I meant the most powerful yaksha and feared by all mortals hahahaha!" She rambled on. Xiao crossed his arms "that's what I thought." He said, his voice still sounded aggressive.

"Anyways. I might have you run an errand today" (y/n) looked at Xiao as he spoke out. "Oh? And what is it?" Xiao relaxed his arms "it's adepti medication. I need it for my migraines, yet the person who is supposed to give it me is in liyue harbor. I'd rather send you, someone who doesn't understand the difference between adepti and mortals, than me, someone who understands and fully hates mortals." He stated. "I guess that's true. Though, I'm not familiar with how liyue harbor looks anymore" (y/n) shrugged as she tilted her head "that's fine. Just look for a blonde male that has a weird floating child around him." The way he described this person was odd, but (y/n) will work with what she's got. "Alright! I'll get going then. Don't miss me too much while I'm gone" (y/n) smiled while looking at Xiao, who just narrowed his eyes. "Don't make me throw you off the balcony again." (y/n) let out a quiet Yelp before nodding quickly and leaving Wanshu Inn.


(y/n) finally arrived at Liyue harbor. She looked around at all the shops, tempted to buy every idea in stock, though she had to stay focused. A boy with blonde hair and a floating child.... hm... there wasn't that many blonde people in liyue, so finding him wouldn't be too hard. Plus, (y/n) wouldn't have to worry about the embarrassment of asking random people if they had a 'floating child'. As she was walking with her hands behind her back, she heard a loud, high pitched voice. It seemed like someone was getting yelled at. (y/n) walked to the sound of the voice and was shocked. A boy, with blonde hair and a... pixie? It really is a floating child. (y/n) walked up to them, as they looked at her confused. She got close to the boy and looked him up and down before looking at the pixie. "Hmm... say, boy" she started, looking back at him with a smile "do you know Xiao?"

The sleeping adeptus // Xiao x reader Where stories live. Discover now