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I stood on my deck that overlooked a garden. It connected to my room which is ocean themed. My adopted mother being the Little Mermaid, she thought that everyone should join in with the theme. 

I looked up from watching the grass grow in the garden and shifted my eyes towards the Isle of the Lost. My memories went back to when I was there. 

Evie and I are twins and, even though we don't look alike, we are the best of friends. Or, we were. Evie had a crush on Harry Hook (idk if she did, but I'm putting it in) when I had been on the Isle, but no one knew that except for her, myself, and Mal. We were 8 years old when she told us and I didn't have a crush, so I didn't think that it would be a big deal if I told Harry. That had been the biggest mistake of my life.

My life had been fine, ignoring the fact that I lived on the Isle, but that all changed in the blink of an eye. I was sitting in my room, waiting for Evie to meet me there. We had planed to go out together and be evil. As I was wondering what evil I was going to do when Evie arrived and the door to my room burst open. 

I didn't flinch. I was used to this. My mom was always barging into my room. I looked up and saw Evie. I knew at once that something was wrong. Her hair was disheveled; a bad sign. 

"Evie. What's wrong? Are you ok?" I had asked, standing up and moving towards Evie. But before I could comfort her, I was shoved backwards, losing my balance and falling on my back. I stared up at Evie, utterly confused. What did I do to deserve that? My back stung and my right wrist throbbed. 

"Why did you do that?" Evie demanded, eyes swimming with unshed tears.  

"Do what?" 

"Why did you tell Harry that I like him?" Evie hissed. I had preferred it when she had been loud. But she didn't want mom to hear.  

"I thought that he would want to know. I was just trying to help!" I knew that Evie wouldn't accept that, but I wasn't going to lie.

"I don't need your help! I don't want your help! Why can't you leave me alone?" Evie told me. This had been one of the reasons why I tried my best to not get Evie upset. Because when she does, she says things that she doesn't mean, not that knowing that takes the sting out of her words. 

"You're my sister. It's my job to help you!" I reminded her.

"Then maybe I don't want a sister!" She yelled. Right after those words left her mouth, her eyes widened and her unshed tears began to pour, but for a different reason. "Y/n, I-I-" I didn't give her any time to say anything else. I bolted for the door and ran out onto the streets. But I didn't stop there. 

I ran all the way to the Chip Shop (if that isn't Uma's place let me know) to find Uma. Even though I'm Evie's sister, I have different friends than my sister does; Uma is one of them. 

Once I found her, I told her what just happened. She apparently didn't know about Evie's crush, but I wasn't worried. I had told her many secrets and she had kept every single one.

 Uma was the sister that I now didn't have.

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