Sly Snake

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Mal started to "fangirl" over Jane's new hair before she asked Mal to change her nose. I was getting annoyed at Jane for not seeing her beauty. 

"Oh, I can't. I've been practicing, but you know, I can't do really big magic." Mal explained making Jane frown. "Not like your mom with her wand. I mean, one swoosh from that thing and you could probably have whatever features you wanted!" 

Oh no you didn't, Mal. Not cool.

"She doesn't use the wand anymore. She believes the real magic is in the books. And not the spell books, regular books with history and stuff." Jane explains with a frown. 

"What a rip." Mal said, "You know, she used magic on Cinderella, and she wasn't even her real daughter. Doesn't she love you?" 

"Well, of course she does. It''s just, you know, tough love. 'Works on the inside, not the outside.' You know, that sort of thing." Jane looked down sadly.

"That's the face!" Mal exclaimed. "Yeah, and then just look like your...your heart is about to break. 'Oh, mother, I just don't understand why you can't make me beautiful, too...'" Mal put on a sad face that I saw through instantly. 

"Think it would work?" Jane asked hopefully.

"Yeah. I mean, that's what old Cindy did, right? And you mother Bibbidi-bobbidi-booed the living daylights out of her." Mal responded, giving Jane fake hope. Fairy Godmother would never let Jane change herself that much. "And, hey, if your mom does decide to, you know, break out the old wand, invite me." 

"If I can convince mom, you're so there." Jane says with excitement.

"Yay." Mal says as she claps her hands together. 

"Bye." Jane rushed out of the bathroom, giving me just enough time to get out of her way. 

I looked into the bathroom to see Mal smirking after Jane. She caught sight of me and her smirk faded. Maybe it was my look of disgust. Maybe it was the fact that I was an Auradonian. Maybe it was the fact that I'm Evie's sister and she's Evie's best friend and she was worried she had ruined any chance of me forgiving her. But I think that the true reason was all selfish. She had been found out. Her plan had been discovered. If it had been any other person, Mal probably would have been fine, but being an ex-villain kid seemed to have its advantages. 

"Y/n..." Mal started, but I didn't let her finish. 

I turned around and ran back to my dorm. I told Lonnie that I wasn't feeling well, which wasn't a lie, and asked her to tell my teachers that I would be missing the rest of the day. 

I entered my dorm and laid down on my bed. The vks were here for the wand. Of course they were. Why else would they be here?

Mal probably thought that I was going to tell on her, but I wasn't. I don't want to control people's lives. 'You do you' is what I always say. I'll let them do whatever. It's not like I have anything to lose. 


Sorry for the short chapter. They will be longer. If you enjoyed, comment and vote please! Bye!

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