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Everything about Jessie just seemed oddly familiar. As I settled in to my dorm, my mind went back to Jessie. There was just something about her. It felt as though the answer to my confusion was dangling right in front of my face. Like an answer that I should know but just don't.

The one thing that had gotten me excited about coming to Auradon was seeing y/n. But I hadn't seen her. Had I?

Jessie really reminded me of y/n. But Jessie had brown hair and y/n had blue. Everything else seemed to fit though. Y/n used to really have a problem with the garbage always being left around. She had tried to change the fact that everyone left their trash everywhere, but she never got anywhere. Y/n used to always want to hug me, but Jessie couldn't even look me in the eye. If she is y/n, I wouldn't blame her for not looking at me. Jessie also stepped up to protect me when she didn't even know me. Even when she knew that I'm a villain kid.

"E?" I looked up to see Mal looking at me. "We need to go to the boy's room." I nodded and grabbed my bag, making sure that my magic mirror was in it. I needed it to find out where y/n was.

We get to the boy's room to find Carlos punching air in front of a screen and Jay tossing everything that he had stolen that day on his bed.

"Jay, what are you doing?" Mal asked.

"It's called stealing." Jay said casually as he opened a laptop, "It's like buying whatever I want, except it's free."

"Ok, so you can so that, or you could leave it all here and pick it up when we take over the world." Mal said, making Jay roll his eyes.

"You sound just like your mom." I said, smiling.

"Thank you!" Mal spun around to look at me.

"DIE SUCKERS!" Carlos shouted at the game. "Jay, come check this out, man, it's awesome."

Jay looked at the two baton-like things in Carlos' hands before taking them and going over to the game. He ducked and started playing. Mal rolled her eyes in frustration. "Guys! Do I have to remind you why we're here?"

"Fairy Godmother blah blah blah, magic wand blah blah blah." Jay said. Everyone laughed except for Mal.

"This is our one chance to prove ourselves to our parents!" Mal exclaimed. Jay stopped playing the game as Carlos and myself became sad. "To prove that we are evil and vicious and ruthless and cruel. Yeah?" There came a chorus of 'yeah's.

"Evie, mirror me." I pulled my magic mirror out of my bag and sat down in a chair with everyone gathered around me.

"Mirror, mirror on my hand, where is Fairy Godmother's wand...stand?" I felt a wave of sadness wash over me. Y/n would be laughing her head off if she heard how much I messed that one up. She always was the one that liked to rhyme things and play around with things like that.

The mirror showed the wand, but we couldn't see where it was. "Zoom out." Jay suggested. "Mirror, mirror not so close." I half whispered. The mirror zoomed way too far out, showing us the world. "Closer. Closer. Closer." I groaned. "Can I go back to my game? I'm on level 3." Carlos asked, getting impatient. "Stop! There it is!" Jay exclaimed, looking at a sign. "It's in a museum. Do we know where that is?" Mal asked as Carlos began typing on a computer. "2.3 miles from here." Carlos showed us as he turned the screen around.

We quietly rushed out of the room to get the wand. The whole time that we were running to the wand, I felt someone watching me, but I couldn't see anyone. I didn't like the feeling. Every once and a while, I heard a twig snap.

I continued leading the way, not knowing that a certain "Isle" girl was making her way back up to her dorm.

Time skip

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