The Arrival

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I stormed into my dorm room in the school. It was a school day, so I stay in my dorm room rather than in my room in the castle. My room mate is Lonnie, and she's my best friend. So it was no shock that the first thing that I hear when I slam the door behind me was, "Y/n! What's wrong?" Lonnie rolled off her bed and came towards me. 

"Evie! Evie is what's the matter!" I raged. I went over to my bed and through myself on it. My bed had several different shades of blue on it with a white design on it. I had sewn red hearts and circles that looked like fish scales on it. The hearts were for me to remember Evie and the fish scales were for my current family. I knew what Evie did, but I miss her.

"Evie? Your sister? I know that you're mad at her, but where did this come from?" Lonnie asked.

"Ben's bringing her and three other kids from the Isle to come and live here in Auradon!" I explained. 

"What? Really? Did he talk to you first? I mean, seeing your reaction I'd say that he did and when you said no he didn't listen, or he did it and then talked to you." Lonnie guessed.

"The second one." I laid down on my bed. 

"I get that you are upset, but it's been 8 years, y/n. Can't you just try to forget about it?" Lonnie caught the look on my face and quickly added, "Or not. Look, she's your sister. You know that I would give almost anything to have a sister."

"I have Melody." I reminded her, playing with a necklace around my neck. It was always under my shirt unless I was playing with it; which I only did if I was thinking about Evie. Only Lonnie, Melody, my parents, and Evie know about the necklace. Back on the Isle, when Evie and I were friends, Evie had made two necklaces. One for herself and one for me. It was a red heart gem that was connected to a silver chain. (Evie's necklace) I had turned my necklace into a locket. Mal had painted a picture of Evie and myself hugging each other on the Isle and I had put it into my locket. I would never admit it, but I truly missed Evie. 

"True, but Evie is your real sister. Deny it all you want, but you miss her." Lonnie sat on my bed next to me. 

"I do not mi-oh forget it. Yes I do miss her! I want to forgive her, but do you know how hard it is to forgive someone that told you that they wished that you were never born?" I asked her, already knowing the answer. 

"No I haven't." Lonnie admitted. Raising my eyebrows and widening my eyes, I gave her a 'yeah that's what I mean'  look. "But that doesn't mean that I don't know what's going through your head. Just give her one more chance. Just one more. For me?" 

I sighed, "Fine. One more chance. For you." 

"And I'll be right beside you the whole time." Lonnie said as she side hugged me. 

"Yeah. We have every class together!" I joked. We both did have the same classes. I bet that Fairy Godmother did that on purpose when she found out that Lonnie was my best friend. Lonnie had been the only one that had accepted me without question, except for Gloria. 


(Time skip to when the vks come to Auradon)


"Y/n! Y/n, wake up! Evie's coming in an hour." Lonnie shook me awake and continued to shake me until I got up. I got ready for the day and headed to the front of the school with Lonnie. 

"I hope that Audrey doesn't pull an Audrey on Evie." I hoped. I knew that she would, but we were good friends, so I think that she'll stop if I ask her to stop being rude. 

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