Growing Fear

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I was walking with Ben and sadly also Chad and Audrey. Chad and Audrey were complaining to Ben about the vks, so I was sort of left out of the conversation, to which I was grateful. 

We walk out into the hall and Chad stops us. He lightly hits Ben on his chest and tells him, "Those kids are trouble." 

"Wow. Big talk from the guy that is literally the Auradon version of a villain kid." I retort. 

Chad and Audrey glare at me before Ben says, "Come on Chad, give them a chance."

I hear Evie say goodbye to Mal and as she was turning to leave, she caught my eye and hurried off. I've got to admit, it hurt, but I was still annoyed at her. 

"No offence Bennybear, but you're just too trusting." Audrey started, taking Ben's hands in hers. "Look, I know your mom fell in love with a big nasty beast who turned out to be a prince, but with my mom, the evil fairy was just the evil fairy. That girl's mother. And with Y/N..."

"DO NOT BRING ME INTO YOUR PETTY CONSPIRISES!" I interrupted her. Audrey's eyes momentarily flashed with fear, but it was gone as soon as it came. She put her hands up in the air in a sign of defeat for a moment before putting them back down.

"I think you're wrong about them." Ben started, "I'll see you later." 

Audrey and Chad walked off as Ben went towards Mal who was by her locker, while I followed from a distance. Mal had spray painted something on her locker. It was her 'Long Live Evil' picture. I recognized it from when I was on the Isle. 

"Hey!" Ben greeted. 

Mal had apparently been startled because she jumped slightly and closed her locker. "Hey."

"How was your first day?"

"Super." Mal responded with a small smile. 

"You should really think about taking this talent off the locker and into art class. I could sign you up?" Ben offered as he looked at her locker. Before Mal could respond, Jane walked by with a little squeak. Mal watched her go, giving me a bad feeling. 

"Way to take all the fun out of it." She responds before following Jane. 

"Huh." Ben leaned up against the locker next to Mal's, smiling. 

I walked over to Ben and patted his shoulder. "Nice one." I smirked.

"What?" Ben asked. I couldn't tell if he was actually confused or not.

"Nevermind. I got to go." I walked off in the direction I saw Mal go.

I finally found her in a girls bathroom. I peeked in and saw Mal with Jane. Jane was complaining about her looks. I have told her a thousand times. She is beautiful. Inside and out. 

Mal pulled out her spell book and I got ready to run and get help. But all that Mal did was change Jane's hair. It was now long and wavy. I'll admit, she was rocking that new hair. But while I liked it more than her old hair, I knew that this wasn't going to stop anytime soon. 

And the next thing that Mal said confirmed my fear...


Hey all! So sorry for the delay. I've been busy. I just want to say that unless I tell you guys that I'm not continuing this story, then I will update. I'm still working on this story, as I love it. I hope you guys love it too! If you did, please consider voting. Thanks! :)

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