Talk to people in person!

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I walked down the hallway to Mal's and Evie's room. I wasn't going to really tell her. She already knew. 

I softly knocked on the door and heard them stop talking at once. "Come on Evie. Just open up. You can't have already fallen asleep."

The door opened and Evie stood in the doorway. "Jessie! Hi!" 

"Oh stop it!" I snapped. "If you wanted to find me, couldn't you have just asked me rather than spy on me?! You know how many times you have secretly watched me? I know what it feels like! Talking to people in person is a much better than talking one way through a mirror." 

"I'm sorry. I was desperate and scared." Evie had tears in her eyes.

I walked in and closed the door behind me. "Scared of what? Of me? Why would you be scared of me of all people?" 

"I was scared that you wouldn't want to see me. Y/n, I'm so sorry about what I said on the Isle. I didn't mean it. Right when I said it I regretted it. But you wouldn't even stay in the same room as me so I couldn't say anything!" Evie cried.

"Yeah well being told by the one person that you can call a friend that they wished that you had never been born really hurts! It hurts even more coming from a sister!" I almost yelled but restrained myself.

"I wouldn't have said that if you hadn't gone off and told Harry that I liked him! You said that you could keep that secret!" Evie reminded.

"I was eight for God's sake! I had no idea what 'I like Harry' meant! I may have been on the Isle, but you knew and still do know that I was the most innocent child that ever set foot on that hell hole!" I really wanted to run up to Evie and hug her. To tell her how much I missed her. But I had crossed that line the moment I walked into the room. If I didn't leave now, I was going to do something that I'd regret. Evie's eyes widened at my choice words. 

"Y/n, I'm sorry! I really am! The one reason that I came over here was to see you!" Evie was crying now and, if I was being honest, I was starting to feel bad for her. 

"Then maybe you should have come and talked to me rather than spying on me! You do realize that the dorms are supposed to be a private place, right? But it can't really be private with you and your mirror!" The door opened behind me and both Evie and I looked at it. I guess that I hadn't realized how loud I had been because in came 14 year old Gloria. 

"What's going on?" She asked. Her eyes flew from me to Evie and realization filled her eyes. "Should I go?"

"Nope. It's ok, Glo. I was just leaving." I said with venom in the last part. 

As I walked out the door with Gloria, I chanced a glance back at Evie. She had tears streaming down her face. I felt so bad. Why did I always mess everything up? Evie looked at me with regret filled eyes. Gloria went up to Evie and told her something that I couldn't hear. Evie nodded as Gloria hugged her. 

I turned around and waited outside the door for Gloria. She came out a few seconds later and closed the door behind her. 

"What did you tell her?" I asked her.

She looked me straight in the eyes and told me, "I told her that you'd come around and that you miss her. I told her that you've developed a slight wall of ice to people that you either don't know or are mad at and that you just need to get through it and when you do, you'll be happy to see her." 

I stared at Gloria in pure anger. Usually, people cower from me when I do this, but Gloria didn't even blink.

"It's true." She shrugged. I knew that she was right, but I didn't want to admit it. I didn't want to admit that I missed the person that told me that she wished I never existed more than anything.

Sorry guys. This chapter's a bit short. The chapters will be longer. They won't stay this length. 

I want to keep going with this, but I need some help. How do you guys think Evie and y/n should make up? Should they become best friends again? Will someone help them? I need help. I'm a bit stuck. Let me know in the comments!

Thanks! Sarah's4Hearts, out!

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