The lion in the lambs body

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I was downright terrified. I was in charge of party planning and organizing different events. Today, I need my mom's signature so that we can get out of school early for the coronation. Usually, I would be fine going up to my mom and asking her to sign something, but not today. 

Today, my mom was teaching the new villain kids in Remedial Goodness. I did not want to walk into a room full of children that were brought up learning how to be evil. 

But, I had to do it. It was my responsibility. But I didn't want to do it alone. 

I spent five minutes trying to find someone to come with me. I looked at a clock on a wall. I knew that the forms needed to be turned in by the end of the day and if I didn't do it now, I would put it off till it was too late. 

I was about to turn around and go by myself when I saw y/n. She was probably the last person that wanted to be in the same room as Evie, but I had to try.

"Jessie...?" I started asking, but y/n cut me off.

"Y/n." She said. I looked at her in confusion. "She knows. What's the use of calling me Jessie if Evie knows that I'm y/n. It's a long story about how she knows. What's up?"

I took a deep breath, not knowing what she would say. "So I need my mom to sign these forms so that we can get out of school early for the coronation, but she's teaching the villain kids in Remedial Goodness. I really don't want to go by myself. I know that you're probably the last person that would want to go, maybe besides Chad or Audrey, but I can't find anyone else. Would you mind coming with me?" 


I didn't know what to say. Jane had just asked me to go with her to where the vks were! I was about to say 'no', but I then realized how much fear was in her eyes. 

I turned to my locker and looked at my schedule. I had math in five minutes. I could miss that. I didn't look it, but I was actually pretty smart. Not as smart as Doug, but I got straight A's. Math may not have been my favorite subject, but it was my best. 

I had no excuse to say no except for the fact that I just didn't want to. I turned back to Jane and said, "Ok. I'll go with you. I have math next period and I can stand to miss that. Let me just let my teacher know." Jane nodded and followed me to my classroom. 

I opened the door and looked at the teacher. "Dad?" 

Yes, my dad was the math teacher. Eric, Ariel's husband, Melody's birth dad, my adopted father. I usually get sympathy for having my dad as one of my teachers, but I didn't mind it. I love my family. I would die to save their lives. 

The black-haired man turned his head to look at me and his eyes lit up. They lit up in a way that only I can notice it. He has an eye light up that everyone can see, and an eye light up that only people that hang around him a lot can notice. Only Melody, mom, me, and Lonnie notice it. Lonnie is like my other sister. We are that close. "Y/n! I didn't think you were going to show up!"

"Well, I'm here! Look, dad, Jane needs to get some permission slips signed by Fairy Godmother and she's teaching the villain kids in Remedial Goodness. Jane didn't want to go by herself and asked me to go with her. Is it ok if I skip today to go with her?" 

Dad thought that education was very important. He had his teacher, education attitude and his father attitude. I hoped that he would turn his father mode on to let me go. I saw understanding surface in his eyes and he smiled. "Of course, y/n. I'll catch you up after school."

"Thank you." I smiled back. I walked up to the front of the room and hugged my dad. He hugged back. 

Normal kids would be embarrassed to hug their dad in front of the whole class, but I wasn't normal. 

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