New Sport

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Comment on this sentence if you agree with the Harry Potter meme above. I think it is so funny and so true!


I was sitting on the bleachers watching the tourney practice. It would have been enjoyable, if not for the fact that Audrey and her cheer bugs were jumping in front of me. (no offence to those of you that are cheerleaders)

I heard the coach yell to the players, "Jay, Ben, offense! Chad, defense! Taylor, you're shooter!" There were a jumble of 'yes sir's before the coach yelled to Carlos, "Hey! You, lost boy? Put on your helmet and get out of the kill zone!"

"Kill zone?" I heard Carlos ask.

"Come on! Hustle! Two hands!" Coach told him.

The guys started to play and Audrey somehow got everyone on their feet to cheer. Ben gets the ball first which makes Audrey and the others cheer. Honestly, I would be cheering too, if Audrey weren't there. But I started cheering anyway when Ben passed the ball the Jay. 

Don't get me wrong, I love Ben, in the brother way of course, but, Mirror, mirror on the wall, who's the most annoying person I met out of all? You guessed it: Audrey. 

Jay loses the ball but then knocks over Chad, which made both myself and the cheerleaders, minus Audrey, cheer. Jay gets the ball back and knocks two guys down, which left Carlos in front of Jay.

"Jay, it's me! It's Carlos!" Carlos panicked and threw his stick at Jay, causing me to smirk at him. "Wait, stop, Jay. Stop. No! No, no, no, no!" 

Jay threw the ball at Carlos, making it bounce off the shield and into the air, where Ben then got the ball. Jay wasn't having it, though. He knocked into Ben and stole the ball. He shot the ball at the goal and scored. He started to chase the goal keeper out of the goal before doing a little dance. 

"You! Get over here!" The coach yelled at Jay. I made my way down from the stands because I knew that this wouldn't end well unless someone did something. "What do you call that? I call that raw talent. Come find me later. I'll show you something you haven't seen before, it's called a rulebook. Welcome to the team, son." He turned to Carlos. "You ever thought about band?" Carlos let out a sarcastic laugh as Jay burst out in laughter.

I caught Bens eye. He pointed at Carlos with his eyes and I nodded. "Y/N and I will work with him, coach." Ben said.

"Y/N?" He asked in a tone that clearly said that he didn't want me with a villain child. 

"Yeah. Me." I stepped up with my arms crossed. 

"All right. Let's run that again."


Hey you guys! Sorry for the wait. I've been busy with school. Also, sorry for the short chapter.

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