My true side

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I was sitting on a picnic table with Mal, Evie, Jay, and Carlos. I couldn't believe what happened earlier. I was so mad that I didn't even care if people knew that I was Evie's sister. 

"Hey, guys. How is everyone? Yeah?" Ben came up behind Mal.

"Hi, Ben. We are just swell. We are having the time of our lives over here." I put on a very sarcastic smile. 

Ben squeezes Mal's shoulders and told us, "Hey, listen. Forget about it. Alright? It was nothing. Let it go. Tomorrow, after the coronation, I promise everything will be ok." Ben didn't get an answer as everyone continued to stare in front of them, unseeing. Well, nearly everyone. I wasn't hopelessly staring into space in front of me. I was more glaring at everyone that looked at us, and in this case, it was Ben. Ben leaned down to Mal's ear and whispered very poorly, "I have to go. I'll see you guys later." Ben walked off, saying the last part to the rest of us. 

"Listen, Evie, I want to talk about earlier. I just..." Doug started as he walked over to Evie.

"Doug!" I looked around to see who called only to see the obnoxious face of Chad.

"It's my fault, Doug. I'm sorry." Evie responded.

"Doug!" Chad called again. 

"What?" Doug asked, surprising me at how calm he sounded. 

Chad gave him a really look before I yelled back, "He's telling you to shut up, Chad!" 

"Doug..." Evie tried.

"Sorry, I can't." Doug walked over to Chad's table and sat down, looking upset.

"You can't, or you won't?" I muttered through clenched teeth.

"It's ok." Evie wrapped her arms around me as I melted into them. I'll admit, I missed this.

"How long does she think that's going to last? Mal's just the bad girl infatuation. I mean, look what she's done to poor Y/n." Audrey came walking up behind Mal with Jane next to her.

"I didn't chose to be Evie's sister," I lurched out of Evie's grasp.

"Y/n..." I looked behind me to see Evie's eyes watering. 

"But even if I did have a choice," I continued, looking directly into Audrey's eyes, "I wouldn't have anything different."

"Whatever you say, Y/n. You shouldn't be hanging around with them. I mean, Ben's never going to make a villain a queen." Jane said before walking off with Audrey.

Mal grabbed her spellbook and opened it. I softly put my hand on it and asked, "What are you doing?"

"Beware, forswear, undo Jane's hair." Mal looked into my eyes before moving her finger around to activate the spell.

"Ok, yeah, I'm ok with that." I looked over at Jane who now had shoulder length hair. 

"Ew!" Audrey shrieks while Lonnie checked her hair. I didn't even bother giving Lonnie a 'really' look. 

"There's a lot more where that came from." Mal stood up and stared at the girls.

"Excuse me, who do you think you are?!" Audrey sassed, so I sassed back.

"Oh, you must be new here." I started, "Audrey, this is Mal, the girl that could kick your butt any day." I heard Evie giggle behind me.

"Do I look like I'm kidding?" Mal opened her spellbook, making everyone run away.

I turned to the vks and admitted, "I missed this. But, overall, I missed you, Evie. I'm sorry." Evie pulled me into a hug and when she released me, she had tears in her eyes.

"You know, I'm really looking forward to tomorrow. Y/n, you can even join us. Let's blow this popsicle stand." 

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