Hiding Anything Else?

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I slammed the door to my dorm room. I can't believe that Evie heard all that! It was all true, but I wasn't ready for her to hear it yet. The odd thing was that I wasn't mad at Austin, I was more mad at myself. There was something about Austin that made me feel warm and bubbly inside. Did I have  a crush on him? No, I couldn't. 

I walked over to my window and sat down on a sort of cushion that had been placed there. It was a bit like a bay window but not quite. 

Imagine this except the cushion is blue, the floor has a blue and yellow carpet, the walls are brown, and the view is Auradon

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Imagine this except the cushion is blue, the floor has a blue and yellow carpet, the walls are brown, and the view is Auradon. 

I sat down and looked out the window. It was possible that I liked Austin. I hadn't had a crush before, so I wouldn't know what it was like to have a crush on someone. 

I pulled out my iPhone, which had a blue case with red hearts and yellow, green, and purple coral, and opened it. I opened the call app and pressed the contact, 'Melody'. I put the phone to my ear as it started to ring. 

I was originally going to go home tonight, but I changed my mind. If I told Melody about Mal and Fairy Godmother's wand, I would probably end up telling her about Austin. I'm really good at keeping secrets from people except for mom, dad, Melody, and Lonnie. 

"Hi, Y/n! What's up?" Melody said from the phone.

"Hi, Mel. Look, I know that I said that I was coming back home tonight, but I changed my mind. I just wanted to let you know." I hope that she would understand.

"Yeah, that's fine. Why though?" She didn't sound concerned, just a bit confused. 

"There are some things that I need to take care of." I explained. It wasn't a lie. I did have things that I needed to do.

"Ok. Have fun with your 'things'. I'll let mom and dad know." She promised.

"K. Thanks. Love you." I said.

"Love you too." 

I hung up and tossed my phone on my bed. I didn't know what was going on, and I didn't like it. 


I followed Mal and the others to the kitchen to make the love potion cookie. I hoped with all of my heart that Y/n won't find out that we're out past curfew. Not to mention making a love potion. I really didn't want to do it, but you can't argue with Mal. She gets a bit frightening when she gets angry.

"Alright, it says that we still need one tear, and I never cry." Mal told us as she read her spellbook. 

"Let's just chop some onions." Carlos grabbed an onion as if he just solved everyone's problem. 

"No." Mal was starting to get annoyed, "It says that we need one tear of human sadness. And this love potion gets the best reviews so we have to follow it exactly." 

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