A change

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"Y/n!" A voice brought me out of my trance. I turned around to see my adopted older sister, Melody. Even though older sisters are supposed to be those sassy, annoying, people, (no offence to the older siblings) Melody is the exact opposite. She is the most caring, loving, wonderful sister in the world. She would never tell me that she didn't want me. Her long black hair was tied back with a hairband. "If we don't leave now, we'll be late." I nodded and grabbed what I needed before I followed Melody out of my room. 

I got into her car and closed the passenger seat door. Melody got into the drivers seat. She drove me to the salon so that I can dye my hair brown again. I love Evie. She's my sister. But having blue hair in Auradon doesn't end well. Having blue hair also reminds me about what happened on the Isle. Whenever the roots of my hair show blue, I'll get it dyed brown. 

Being 16, I could drive myself, but I prefer to let Melody drive. She wants to after all. 

She parks the car and gets out. I open the passenger door and get out as well. I walk with her inside. 



Being the oldest in line for king has its ups, but also its downs. I was getting measured for the crown, staring at the Isle of the Lost. It really wasn't fair that the children of the villians were being punished. They didn't do anything wrong. 

"How is it possible that you're going to be king soon. You're just a baby!" I looked to see who had spoken, not that I needed to. It was my dad. I knew that voice by heart. 

"He's turning 16 dear." My mom said as she started folding laundry.

I figured it was now or never. I had to tell my parents my idea or I'd chicken out later. I opened my mouth but was cut off by my dad, "16! That way too young to be king! I didn't make a good choice until I was at least 42!" (I don't remember how old he said when he made a good choice.) My mom put a shirt down on my bed as she looked at dad with an annoyed look on her face. "Uh, you decided to marry me at 28." "Well, it was either you or a teapot. Kidding." My dad added after seeing my mom's face. 

"Mom, dad." I started. I tried to walk toward them but was stopped by the guy getting my measurements. "I've decided what my first proclamation will be as king." 

My parents looked at each other in excitement. 

"I've decided," I paused to gather my courage, "To give the children on the Isle a chance to come live in Auradon. Every time I look at the Isle, I feel like they've been abandoned. What if there are more children that were in y/n's situation?"

"The children of our sworn enemies living among us?" My dad asked in shock. 

"Was y/n really that bad when she came here?" I asked, "No she wasn't. She didn't even seem like a villain. Now, I bet most of the other children aren't like her, but they all deserve a chance. I thought, we could start out with a few first, the ones that need our help the most. I've already chosen them." There's no going back now. 

"Have you?" My dad said in anger.

"I gave you a second chance." My mom reminded him, "Who are their parents?"

I took a deep breath before answering, "Cruella De Vil, Jafar, Evil Queen, and Maleficent." The dude that was getting my measurement gasped and dropped the clipboard that he was holding. 

"MALEFICENT! SHE IS THE WORST VILLAIN IN THE LAND!! AND THE EVIL QUEEN'S DAUGHTER?! Y/N'S SISTER! HAVE YOU TALKED TO Y/N ABOUT THAT??" My dad shouted. I may have answered him calmly, but I just realized that I hadn't talked to y/n about bringing her sister over yet. I heard a door closing. I turned around and saw some guards dramatically closing the doors. It would have been funny if I weren't the one being shouted at. "Dad, just hear me out." 

"I won't hear of it! They are guilty of unspeakable crimes!"

"Their children are innocent! Don't you think they deserve a shot at a normal life?" I asked.

"Do not do that. Gloria already convinced me to let y/n over, but it will not work for you."



I ran as fast as my legs could carry me. Which, being only 6 years old wasn't very fast, but still, I was determined to find my parents. I eventually found them in the library. I stopped at the doorway and looked down at the letter in my hand. It was a letter from someone called y/n. She lives on the Isle and we had been writing to each other. 

I don't have any friends that are my age and I'm often lonely. So, I sent a letter to the Isle asking if someone wanted to be my friend. Y/n responded and I'd say that we are friends, but I don't know how a villain kid thinks. Y/n doesn't seem like she should be on the Isle. She could be faking it, but she seems nice. 

The most recent letter from y/n was in my hands and it told me how her sister had told her that she wished that y/n was never born. Reading that, it made me feel really bad for her. I knew that dad would be really mad when I told him that I wanted y/n to come to Auradon, but I had to try. I couldn't imagine how it would feel if Ben told me that he wished that I wasn't born. 

I nervously made my way to my parents. "Mommy? Daddy?"

They looked up. "Glo!" That was a nickname for me. Almost everyone called me that unless they were mad at me or if they were mad and talking about me. "What's up?" Dad asked. Mom elbowed him as I giggled. 

"First thing, please don't be mad at me, but I have been writing to a girl on the Isle." Dad looked furious and mom looked faint, but I quickly continued before they said anything. "Her name is y/n and she's 8 years old. At least, that's what she says. But I don't see why she would lie to me about that. In her last letter, she said that her sister, Evie, told her that she wished that she had never been born. Y/n's the Evil Queen's daughter."

"That is very sad, but why are you telling us this?" Mom asked.

I gulped, knowing that my parents reactions weren't going to be pretty. "I want to bring y/n over to Auradon." 

Their reactions were just like I thought they would be like, if not worse. My  mom almost fainted and for once I could see the beast behind the man in my dad, and I didn't like it. "THE CHILD OF A VILLAIN LIVING HERE WITH US?!" 

"She needs us! Her letters had tear marks on it." I tried.

"Her mother tired to kill Snow White!" Dad yelled. 

"But she didn't do anything! She was born on the Isle without doing anything! Everyone automatically assumes that because people are on the Isle, that they did something bad, but only the parents did the bad things, not the children. The children are innocent! Don't you think that they deserve at least a shot at a normal life? Dad?"

Dad sighed. "I guess the children are innocent. You can tell y/n and I'll send a limo in three days." He said it like he thought that he would regret it.

I gasped and hugged him around the middle. I then hugged my mom as I squealed, "Thank you! Thank you!"



"Glo may have already convinced you using that, but it's true. The kids on the Isle haven't done anything wrong besides doing what they've been brought up and told to do! Dad. They're innocent." I pleaded. 

Dad sighed. "Just like we brought y/n over, I guess we can give a few more kids a chance."

I smiled as mom came up to me. "Well done." She said. Turning to dad she asked with her arm outstretched, "Shall we?" And they walked out. 

All that was left was to talk to y/n. I hope that it'll go well. 

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