Whose side are you on?

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"Have you seen Jane's new hair?" Lonnie and I were sitting at a picnic table, supposedly doing homework. 

"Yes, Lonnie, I have. I told you, I was there when Mal changed her hair." I groaned, putting my head on the table. 

"Maybe I should ask." Lonnie thought out loud. "Will you come with me?"

I slowly lifted my head up from the table and studied Lonnie's face. Oh my god, she's serious. "Lonnie! You are beautiful just the way you are! As was Jane! Why are you going to change yourself and for who? To be popular? I thought I was your friend! Are you really going to chose popularity over your best friend?!"

"Woah, woah, Y/n, I didn't say that. I just want my hair longer and I don't want to have to wait." She then added as an afterthought, "Although long hair would make my look so much better."

I slammed my head into the table before letting out a muffled, "Ow."

I was walking next to Lonnie as she led the way to Mal and Evie's room. I don't know how I got talked into this. Lonnie was going to ask Mal to change her hair from her shoulder length bob, to longer hair. 

We got to the door and I stopped abruptly. 

"What's wrong? You can't ignore Evie forever, Y/n." Lonnie told me.

From inside I heard Evie say, "I forgot to do Chad's homework! Oh, no! Oh, no, no, no!" 

Chad? Homework? The next time I see him, he had better watch out!

"And that is exactly what I mean." Mal said from inside. 

"Ok, fine. Go on in." I motioned to Lonnie.

"Hey guys!" Lonnie knocked on the door frame before entering. I trailed behind slowly. "I'm Lonnie." Mal looked confused while Evie kept her head down. "My mom's Mulan? No? Anyways, I love what you've done with Jane's hair. And I know you hate us, and, well, you're evil, but do you think you could do mine?"

"Why would I do that for you?" Mal asked.  

"I'll pay you 50 dollars." Lonnie held up a bag of money. I let out a noise similar to a scoff. Everyone looked at me. "What?" Lonnie asked.

"Whose side are you on, Lonnie? First you are on my side and now you're on their side?" I knew that I was wrong about that, but I was too caught up in my anger to care.

"You know that's not what I'm doing, Y/n. If you're too jealous then go. No one's making you be here." Lonnie snapped.

"Actually you are." I retorted. It was true. I wouldn't be here if it weren't for Lonnie begging me to come along with her. 

"Good answer. I need to buy more material." Evie said, trying to change the topic. She stood up and took the money from Lonnie as I rolled my eyes. I heard a bed creak and just now realized that Jane was also in the room. "Let's see. I'm thinking we lose the bangs, maybe add some layers and some highlights..."

"No. I want it cool. Like Mal." Lonnie smiled at Mal. 

"Really? Split ends too?" My words hurt even me, but I would deal with it later. Mal sent me a glare as Evie's face became worried. She shook the bag of money at Mal who groaned and rolled off her bed. 

"Okay, beware, forswear, replace the old with cool hair." Mal read from her spellbook. She moved her finger towards Lonnie, whose hair grew and curled. I'll admit, it looked better on her, but I was far lost to care. 

"I know, I know. It looks like a mop on your head. You know what? Let's cut it off, layer it..." Evie suggested but was cut off by Lonnie.

"No, no, no, no, no! I love it!"

"You do?" Evie asked. This girl is a mood. Pick one and stay with it. Don't go from sweet to judgmental in a matter of seconds!

"It's just..." Lonnie trailed off as she ripped the side of her skirt, "Now I'm cool." 

"Like ice." Mal was hanging off the side of a bedpost.

"What would you know about being cool, Mal? All you do is intimidate people to get your way." I was digging myself into a hole that I would never have done if I was in my right mind. 

Mal snaps her head towards me as Jane walks in front of the mirror and rips her skirt. "What did I just do? Mom's going to kill me!" 

"At least you have your head on straight, Jane!" I rolled my eyes.

"And what would you know about being cool or having your head on straight, Y/n? You were always Evie's little sister that was too afraid to come out of her shell. No person in their right mind would willingly come to Auradon!" Mal started walking towards me. 

"I'm gonna go." Jane peeped and hurried out the door.

"Yeah me too." Lonnie followed.

Evie was about to follow when I hissed, "You had better not leave." I turned back to Mal. "And for the record, I'M the older twin!"

"So you're saying that you wanted to come here?" Mal asked.


"So you're blaming Evie for what your mouth couldn't keep silent?" Mal challenged.

"I'M not blaming anyone! It's you that's blaming me!" I yelled. I turned on my heel and was about to walk out of the door when I heard Mal mutter, "Idiot." this one word wouldn't usually have triggered me as much as it did then, but I was so caught up in my emotions that my brain felt like it was another person's. I spun around and punched Mal in the nose. She fell back and I took the opportunity to leave. 

I'd really done it this time. 


 Hey you guys! Hope you enjoyed this chapter. If you did, please consider voting and/or commenting!

Bye for now, Sarahs4Hearts <3

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