Lover Boy

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I stormed out of Mal and Evie's room, full of both anger, and guilt. If Fairy Godmother found out about what I did to Mal, I would be in so much trouble. But maybe Evie would remember that I'm keeping a secret about them from everyone else.

The next thing that I knew, I was standing on a rock near the edge of a cliff. Or more accurately, the edge of the island. In front of me, the Isle loomed, dark and sad.

I sat down on the rock with my knees pulled up to my chest. I put my chin on my knees as I stared out at the Isle. I thought back to all of the times that Evie and I had shared back on the Isle. Evie had always been there for me. She had told me everything. She loved me. And I ruined everything by being a blabbermouth.

It's not like I blame her for how she reacted. I had broken our trust. Evie had told me something before she had even told Mal. And no more than a day later, I had ruined my life. Sometimes I wished that I was just a normal Auradonian. That I had never been on the Isle. I had never had a reason as to why it was better this way, but I do now. If I hadn't been brought up on the Isle, I wouldn't have found out about their plan.

"But does that even matter anymore?" I muttered to myself.

"Does what matter?" A voice asked behind me.

I jumped and spun around. In front of me, a boy sat on the grass. His elbows were on his knees and he was looking at me. His brown hair was a bit longer than other boys and his greenish-blue eyes were looking at me. He stood up and put his gray backpack over his right shoulder. He pulled down his blue shirt so it wouldn't crease from him sitting down.

"Um, nothing." I stuttered.

The boy changed his face expression into a 'not really' look that was too cute to refuse. Wait, what! Snap out of it Y/n!

He walked towards me and sat down next to the place that I had been sitting. I groaned and sat down next to him.

"So, does nothing have a new meaning that I don't know about?" The boy said casually.

"I'm sorry who are you?" I asked.

"Austin. Austin Abbawa." Austin responded.

"So I guessing Jasmine and Aladdin?" I mentally slapped myself. Why did I ask that?

"Nope. Ariel." He smirked.

"No way." I grinned.

"I just said the first queen that came to my mind." Austin looked at me and I looked away, blushing. "So, back to my first question. Does the word, 'nothing' mean something else since the last time that I checked?"

I had really walked into that one.


I ran to catch Mal as Y/n slammed the door behind her. I had never seen her act like that before. I had so many different emotions running through me right now.

I helped Mal get to her bed and went into the bathroom to get a washrag to stop the bleeding. I looked at myself in the mirror as I became overwhelmed by emotions. I felt concern for Mal, worry for Y/n's behavior, guilt about how I treated her on the Isle, sadness for Y/n acting like she doesn't want to see me, confusion about wondering if I should continue on through the plan, and many other emotions that I couldn't put my finger on.

I put the washrag under running water and brought it back to Mal who was sitting up in her bed flipping through her spellbook.

"What are you doing, M?" I asked her, confused.

"Trying to find a spell for Y/n." Mal told me, flipping another page.

"What?" I threw the washrag on Mal's bed before grabbing the spellbook out of her hands. "No, Mal! You can't spell Y/n. Yes, she did just punch you, but she is my sister, and so help me if you do anything to her, you will see a side of me that you don't want to see again."

"Ok. Fine." Mal said in a 'whatever' voice.

"If I find out that you did something to her, you will be sorry." I threw Mal's spellbook onto her bed and left the room to find Y/n.

I must have been looking for at least 10 minutes before I heard her voice. "I just don't know what to do, Austin."

"We're in high school, Y/n. We're not going to know the answers to everything." Another voice said.

I followed Y/n's voice until I found her sitting on a rock at the edge of the water. There was a boy sitting next to her. That must be Austin.

"I know that, but I miss Evie and whenever I get the chance to make things right, I make things worse! I need to have an answer for this."

There was silence for a few seconds before Austin suggested, "Why don't you just talk to her alone and tell her what you told me? You didn't seem to have a hard time telling me. Why would it be any different telling Evie? You've known her longer than me."

"I've talked to her but not alone yet. I just can't seem to control my temper." Y/n put her head in her hands and sighed.

Austin looked behind him and saw me. My eyes widened and I started to back up, but stopped when Austin shook his head ever so slightly. There was something about him that you couldn't help but trust. "Here's an idea. Why don't you practice. Pretend that Evie was sitting right in front of you and say what you would say if she was."

Y/n took a deep breath, "Alright, fine. Evie, I know that what I did on the Isle wasn't ok, but I was eight, and although that isn't an that's awful."

"Hey, it's fine. Try again."

"Ok. Here we go. Evie, I know that I don't seem excited that you are here, but I am. I really am. I'm just scared that if I open up to someone again, I'll get hurt. Not by you, but by Mal and Jay. They were pretty scary back when they found out what I did. I'm sorry about what I did. I thought that I was helping you by telling Harry, but I obviously wasn't. I really miss you and love you. You are all that I think about when I'm alone. About what I could've done better, about the times we had on the Isle, about how badly I messed up. I'm really sorry. Can you forgive me? If not, then can we try to start over?" Y/n looked at Austin who smiled, making me smile. I had no idea that Y/n felt that way.

"That was great! Now that you practiced, it's time for the real thing." Austin smirked.

"What are you talking about?" Y/n asked, looking around. Her face went from confused to a bit of anger when her eyes landed on me. She looked back at Austin. "You said to 'pretend that Evie was here', not that she actually was!"

"Look, I didn't plan for Evie to be there. I looked around and she was there, giving me an idea. But at least you said how you feel. Right?" Austin tried.

"Did you mean what you said?" I asked timidly.

"Of course I did. I do miss you, but I don't think that Mal and Jay want to see me again!" Y/n looked at me with tears in her eyes.

Before I could say anything, Y/n got to her feet and ran off. 

Hey y'all! Thank you for reading this! It really means a lot. If you liked it, consider voting and commenting. Until next time. Sarahs4Hearts, out! <3 

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