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I knocked on Ben's bedroom door and stepped back as I waited for him to open the door. When the door opened, I barged in without being invited.

"Woah, woah, Y/n! What are you doing? What's wrong?" Ben asked, standing in the doorway.

"I can't keep it a secret anymore!" I flopped head-first onto Ben's bed.

"You can't keep what a secret?"

I sat up, still on Ben's bed, and looked at him directly in the eyes. "What I'm about to tell you cannot leave this room. Ok?"

"Ok?" Ben closed the door, fully confused. "What it is?"

I stood up and walked towards Ben. I stopped when I was eye to eye with him. "I've tried to stay silent as long as I possibly can, but I just can't anymore!"

Ben grabbed my shoulders and lightly shook me. "Y/n. Talk to me. What are you talking about?"

I took a deep breath before saying, "Ben, do you love Mal?"

I was expecting Ben to laugh his laugh and say of course and that he would give the world to her. What I wasn't expecting was for Ben to remove his hands from my shoulders with a sigh and sit on the edge of his bed.

"Um...you ok?"

"I know what Mal did. She spelled me." Ben explained.

"Wait. How...when...what...?" I spluttered.

"I jumped into the Enchanted Lake for a swim and when I surfaced, it felt like my mind was clear. Like a sort of fog had lifted. That sounds like something from a storybook!" Ben laughed at the last part.

I chuckled as well before asking, "What do we do, Ben? Should we tell Mal? Your parents? Fairy Godmother?"

"No. I don't think we should tell anyone. If I'm being honest, I think that I actually like Mal." Ben confessed.

"I'm sorry what? I'm fully lost." I had no idea what to think of this. Ben knows that Mal spelled him and yet, he still likes her. When Ben didn't say anything else, I continued, "There's something else."


"You're going to think that I'm losing my mind, but you need to believe me on this." I started.

"Y/n, I won't think you're crazy. We have the children on villians living here, what could be crazier?" Ben reasoned.

"You're going to think I'm crazy." I muttered, "Ben," My voice now audible, "Mal and the others didn't come here for a new life. I know it for a fact." I took a deep breath. "Ben, they are here to steal Fairy Godmother's wand and take the barrier down." Ben opened his mouth. "Ben, please just listen to me! I know how villians think, ok! I used to be one! Remember when they first got here and Mal started asking about magic?" Ben nodded. "She mentioned Fairy Godmother's wand and magic multiple times. And there was a break in at the museum in the place that the wand is. And..." I stopped, not really sure if I should say the next part.

"And? Don't worry, Y/n. I won't say anything. What is said here will stay here." Ben told me.

"Ok. I saw Mal, Evie, Jay, and Carlos sneaking to the museum on the night that there was the break-in." Ben sat still, staring at the ground. "Ben?"

"I don't know what to think. I believe you, but Mal just seems so nice." Ben shook his head.

I stood stone still. What did Ben say? "Hold up. Hold up. Hold up." If you know where that is from comment! "What did you just say?"

"What?" Ben asked.

"Do you...do you like Mal? Like, like-like her?"

"Um...I don't know." Ben stuttered.

"Oh my god." I pinched the bridge of my nose. "Do you know how much trouble this is going to cause once or when this gets out?"

"I know, but I don't know what to do." Ben admitted.

"Ben, if they are here for the wand, what are we going to do about the coronation?" I asked, concerned.

"Maybe we just don't let them come? I mean, the people will understand." Ben thought out loud.

"Ben. These are the children of some of the worst villians out there! They're going to find a way to get to the coronation whether they're there or not."

"Then I don't know! I'm out of ideas!" Ben let out a sigh before standing up and walking over to me. "Who else knows about Mal?"

"Only Lonnie. I tell her everything and she has never broken my trust. I trust her with my life. And now also you too."

"Ok. Then let's keep it that way. At least for now." Ben suggested.

"Ok, then." I sighed, "I'm just worried."

"About what?" Ben asked.

"About Evie! Ben, back on the Isle, if Evie and I didn't do what my mom wanted us to do, she would beat us, starve us, and tell us that we were ugly, fat, and worthless. I can't and don't want to imagine what would happen to her if they don't go back with the wand. I know that I don't say this often because I like to be in control of my life, but I'm lost."

"We'll figure something out. I promise." Ben comforted me.

Hey all! Sorry for the delay. My dad blocked Wattpad on my computer because I was on it too much so now I'm on my phone. Yes I'm allowed. I think that I'll have it back sometime in the next 2 weeks because that's when school gets out for me.

Like in the last chapter, the first person to correctly guess what the bolded reference is from, I follow.

If you liked this chapter, consider voting, commenting, and maybe even following because it really encourages me.

Until next time! Sarah's4Hearts out! ❤️

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