Small Talk

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My day has not been going very well. The disappointment on Y/n's face kept intruding my thoughts. Throughout everything that went wrong today, from Mr. Delay taking my mirror and making a scene about it, to Chad being the one that ratted me out, to Chad being with Audrey, all the way to the disappointment on Y/n's face, I couldn't forget about the way that I let Y/n down.

I walked out of chemistry with my test in hand. Looking at it, I saw that I got a B+. I felt proud, but thinking about my grade made me think about Y/n. She had and still is so smart. She probably gets straight A's without trying.

I went to lunch where I found Doug sitting alone at a table. I walked up behind him and put my test in front of his face. "For the first time, it's like I'm more than just a pretty face."

"A shocker, huh?"

"You know what? I bet I could get an A on the next test without the mirror." I told him.

"Yeah. Well maybe we could get together and study?" Doug asked.

"Yeah. Let's do that."

"There you are!" I turned around and saw Mal walking towards me. "I've have been looking for you literally everywhere!"

"What's wrong?" I asked.

"Ben just asked me out on..." Mal let out a huff before finishing, "...a date."

"Nice." Doug said, making me smile.

"We can handle this. Bye." I took my test and smiled at Doug before walking back to the dorms with Mal. "You're looking a little pale."

"Yeah, of course." Mal answered in her 'duh' voice.

"But I can fix that with some gloss and blush." I tried.



As Evie walked away with Mal, I went up to Doug. I sat down in the seat across from him and stared at him until he looked at me.

"What?" He asked, confused.

"I have no problem with you dating my sister. If you like her, go get her. But I swear to God, if you hurt her, I will break you." I told him.

"We aren't dating." Doug nervously shifted in his seat.

"Yet." I said pointedly.

"I doubt she even likes me." He stuttered.

"Then why are you trying so hard? Huh?" Doug looked down. "Point proven. Have you seen the way she looks at you? Stop playing dumb."

"Ok. Sorry. I like her and she might like me back. But how do I know?"

"You ask her. You can't know unless someone tells you. But right now, maybe yes, maybe no." If you get that reference I love you! "But enough about that. You want to date her, be my guest. I won't stop you. But if you hurt her, I swear to God, you will regret it. What happened on the Isle happened, but she is still my sister and I still love her. Hear me Dwarf boy?" On a normal occasion, I wouldn't call Doug 'Dwarf boy', but when I'm serious about something, I use nicknames that I came up with for people, and Doug, like everyone else, knew that when I used their nickname that I gave them, that I meant business.

"Yes, Y/n, I hear you. I won't hurt her. I like her!" Doug reassured me.

"Ok. Good. I'm watching you." I stood up and walked off, wondering why I still cared about Evie.

I thought about what I had said. What happened on the Isle happened, but she is still my sister and I love her. I do love her, but she did tell me that she didn't want me to be my sister. On the other hand, she did say that she was sorry. She started crying when she apologized.

I sighed. I didn't know what to do anymore. When Ben got back from his date, I'd talk to him.

Hey you guys! Hope you're enjoying! Descendants 1 is almost done! I don't know whether to continue this story on the same story, aka this one, or start a new one. Comment what you think! If you enjoyed this part, please consider voting and commenting because it really encourages me!

The first person that correctly guesses the bolded part in the chapter above, I will follow! I don't know if that means anything to you guys, but I'm trying to make a game so...yeah!

That's all for now! Sarahs4Hearts out! <3

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