Chapter 42

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Jen's POV

I was a little nervous for today. I hadn't done an on camera interview in a couple of months, and this was the first time I would be doing it along side Mason.

Ed was really lovely, and I knew I would feel comfortable around him during the interview, I just hoped I did a good job and proved to Ava I was ready for these big jobs, like I had been trying to assure her this year.

"Hey," Sam knocked lightly on the bathroom door, entering from her side of the room. She looked apprehensive as she approached me, probably assuming I was mad at what I saw last night when I walked in.

"Hi," I said bluntly as I applied my last wing of eyeliner.

"Don't you have a make up artist that does that stuff for you?" She hopped up on the basin countertop, and tried to make small talk.

"Yeah but I like to go to work looking good there a purpose to this conversation?"

I was coming across a little harsh, and to say the least bitchy, but it was hard to watch my sister throw away the one thing in her life I knew meant everything to her, while Calum was across the world miserable.

I was in this situation, I had thrown Harry away while he was across the world miserable. It was different to look from the outside in, and if I could help them both see what they were doing was not beneficial to either of them, and prevent her making the same mistake I did, I would.

"Oh I don't know? I haven't seen my sister in almost a week, forgive me for wanting to talk to you," she jumped down and started to walk off.

"I spoke to Calum," I blurted out, and she immediately stopped and turned back around to face me.


"He called me..."

"Why would he call you?" Her face contorted with anger.

"Because I'm your sister, and he's my friend. He was there for me during my break up with Harry, so he thought he could turn to me with all this happening."

"Well maybe he should stop contacting my family, and go play house with his new skank. I don't know why you even took his call!"

"Stop being so dramatic for God sake. I'll talk to whoever I want to talk to, and if you just let him explain before jumping the gun, you would know what really happened!"

"Me jumping the gun? That's rich coming from you!"

I was really resenting her in this moment. She was talking down to me with no respect what so ever. I did everything for her, I gave her a roof over her head, I helped her with Calum whenever she needed it, and this is how she thanks me? By throwing my past in my face.

"Shut your mouth Samantha, this isn't about me right now! I know I made mistakes, but I've owned up to them! When Harry and I ended and I saw articles about him being with Paige, I didn't go jump into bed with the next guy that wanted me!"

"You told me to go out with Jayden! You said screw Calum, and go have fun! So I did! Jayden has been nothing but respectful of me, he hasn't pushed himself on me, and he's made me smile more than I have in the past two weeks!"

She was yelling, and when Sam yelled there was no reasoning with her. We hadn't fought in a long time, and when we did neither of us ever wanted to lose. She would scream, I would scream to get on top of her and it would end up in us not talking for days.

"I was wrong in doing that! It's your life Sam, do what you want! Just don't make the same mistakes I did with Ashton, you'll regret it!"

"I'm not going to make your mistakes Jen because I'm not a s*ut!" She walked out of the bathroom and slammed the door shut.

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