Chapter 3

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Jen's POV

Walking through Heathrow a year later felt like de ja vu. The same coldness took over my body once the wind hit me, everything looked the exact same, and there were even a few paparazzi lingering around. The only difference this time was there was no Harry waiting for me to take me in his arms and tell me we'd make this work.

A part of me hoped inside once I turned the corner to where I saw Harry last time, that he would be there. Deep down I knew he wouldn't be, but I guess when I saw he actually wasn't it became real that he wasn't mine anymore, and I had no right to expect him to be there for me.

"Are you okay?" I felt Mason's hand on my back.

"Yeah why wouldn't I be?" I pushed the thoughts of Harry to the back of my head and tried to mask my disappointment.

"Well I saw your face drop once we turned the corner. I know you were hoping he'd be here!" I knew he'd notice. Mason knew me better than anyone. Since Bella was around the apartment less, I saw her less, and Mason more. He'd grown used to my mood swings, and knew exactly when something was up.

"Who Angus? He said he'd meet us out the front. You know how the fan's and pap's get when Angus and Gemma are out in public together!" I knew he was referring to Harry, but I didn't want to talk about him.

"Yeah Angus, that's exactly who I meant," he said in a sarcastic tone. "Are you sure it's okay I stay at their place too? I don't mind staying with a mate!"

"No silly, they said they're more than happy to have you stay! They have a spare room, you don't mind sharing a bed with me do you?" I nudged him. Angus and Gemma insisted I stay with them while in London, and they said Mason was more than welcome to stay also. It would be good to see them both again, I really missed spending every day with them since leaving the tour.

"A little late to have problems with it, not like we've never shared a bed!" He laughed. Whenever he stayed over he always stayed with me. It wasn't weird, it was comforting to have another body next to mine if anything. It may have been weird to admit to others, but sometimes just before I fell asleep I pretended like it was Harry next to me, and things were still how I wished they were.

"Well look what the cat dragged in!" Angus's voice grabbed my attention, and I saw him leant up against his car with Gemma leaning into him.

"Angus!" I screeched and ran over to him, jumping into his arms. I was happy to see my best friend again, I guess I didn't really know how much I missed him until now. It felt good to see a familuar face in a town that seemed so foreign to me now. This was no longer the city the boy I dated resided in, this was the city the boy I used to date resided in, full of memories I tried so hard to forget about.

"It's so good to see you again babe! I've missed you!" he squeezed me, and let me down.

"Angus move, my turn!" Gemma pushed him out of the way and hugged me tightly. It wasn't at all awkward to be hugging the sister of my ex, it was more soothing if anything to be able to hug someone so close to him if I couldn't have him.

"Hey Gem," I said pulling away. She looked the exact same as I left her, except her hair wasn't her usual pink, purple or blue I was used to, it was just blonde. Even with make up on, all I could see was Harry's face when I looked at her.

"I'm so happy to have you here again finally! It's been way too long! You too, Mason right?" she looked past me to Mason who was walking towards us with our bags.

"Let me help you with them mate! Good to see you again!" Angus jogged over to him and shook his hand.

"Thanks, you too! I should probably thank you for taking my job here so I could get back to Australia!" He smiled at him.

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