Chapter 7

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Jen's POV

Waking up next to Harry was something I never thought would happen again, at least not this trip anyway. Somewhere between screaming at one another outside the arena and screaming eachother's names in a completely different way last night, we had made up and gave into the temptation of being with one another.

I remembered it all, weird considering I was partially drunk, but whenever I was with Harry I managed to lock every last memory into the vault. As fun as last night was, and as amazing as it felt to be back in his arms, nothing had changed my mind about being with him. I couldn't go through it again. The heartache and missing him was a feeling I had only just recovered from. Maybe this was the closure I needed?

I was scared for him to wake up though, because I knew we'd have to have the conversation I was dreading. He wasn't someone that slept around with just anyone, it always meant something to him. With the exception of Abi of course, but even then there was a greater reasoning behind it than just a release. When he told me to tell him I loved him during our close moment last night, I knew then what we were doing meant more to him than just a one off thing for old time's sake.

I knew it was cruel to tell him I loved him, not that it was a lie, but I knew he read more into it than intended. I didn't regret anything we did last night, if it were anyone else I would have made a dash for it as soon as I opened my eyes, but it was Harry. Waking up next to him was something I had missed, and I wanted to savour ever second of it.

As I was staring up at the ceiling thinking about how I was going to approach this conversation, I felt him stir beside me and fling and arm around me, pulling me into him like he normally did.

"Good morning beautiful," he spoke. His voice was low and husky, just like I remembered it in the mornings.

"Morning," I turned my head to face him, and he propped up on his elbow, and lowered his head to kiss me.

"What were you thinking about?" his body shadowed over mine, and he tucked my hair behind my ear giving him a clear view of my face.

"Hmm?" It always amazed me that he knew my every action. He always managed to read me better than anyone else ever had.

"You were staring up at the ceiling, you were thinking about something. Do know...regret last night?" his eyes never left mine, my guess was he was trying to study my expression so he knew if I was lying in my response.

"No, I told you I wouldn't regret it!" I reminded him of my words last night.

"So you do remember what happened?"

"Of course I do, I told you I would, I was well aware of what was happening. Like I told you last night, I wouldn't have agreed to come here if I wasn't 100% sure about it." I wanted Harry in that way, I always did since the day I met him, I guess this time apart allowed him to forget that. It wasn't the sex itself I couldn't go back to, it was everything that came along with it.

"Did you mean it when you said you loved me too?" his face was expressionless, he was sussing out my feelings before he showed me any of his own, and I felt sick at the thought of hurting him.

"I do love you Harry," I sighed and knew it was time to face the inevitable, and be honest with him, "I just don't want to give you false hope though."

His brows furrowed, showing me the first sign of any type of emotion this morning, "What do you mean by false hope?"

I lifted myself up, causing him to move away from me and sit up with me. I pulled the sheet over my naked body, tucking it under my arms, and moving to face him. He was looking at me with an emotion of anger mixed with impatience waiting for me to explain myself.

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