Chapter 62

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Jen's POV

Sophia and Eleanor had left mid week since Soph still had school, and Eleanor was just starting up her new fashion business she ran with her best friend back in the UK.

Harry had been back and forth between my apartment and our new house all through the week, taking over some of my furniture I wasn't ready to let go of. We compromised on keeping my living room set, if I gave up my bed.

He seemed to think we needed a new one because we were moving somewhere new, so we needed a fresh start in a new bed. I just knew it was his excuse to buy a new mattress since he was a fussy sleeper, and needed a hard surface where as I preferred a softer one.

It wasn't worth arguing over keeping my bed, so I agreed we would go shopping for a new one today, while Sam was at the house painting and fixing up her old room.

It was going to be weird sleeping in my parents old room, but Harry and I decided while shopping today, we would pick out a wallpaper together, new curtains, and a new rug to revamp the room up, making it our own.

Our taste differed, I had more of an elegant and classy vision for our bedroom, with soft colours and white furniture. His vision was more hardwood floors, black furniture and dark walls.

It was going to kill me to meet in the middle, but if he was getting his new bed, which in turn the furniture would have to match, I was going to get my subtle wallpaper and white walls.

My mum had very similar taste to me, she also liked the more light colours throughout the house, finished with white tiles and light coloured carpets. I liked the house how it was, so I didn't think the walls or floors really needed to be touched.

Harry's LA house was completely made of hardwood floorboards and dark rugs, so I knew that was his preference. I knew he would want to take the tiles out and put the floorboards, and I dreaded that conversation.

That was one battle to come, but right now I was standing in the middle of a bed store, watching Harry analyse the firmness of every mattress he saw.

"Don't you think we should pick a bed first, then check out the mattress?" I asked him.

"No point choosing a bed if the mattress I like won't fit. When I find the perfect one, we'll choose a bed to suit it," he told me, continuing to lay himself down on the next mattress.

"Come try this one, I like the feeling of this," he called me over, and I laid next to him trying to make myself comfortable on the hard surface.

"No, it's uncomfortable," I groaned, sitting back up.

"You could always just lay on top of me," he laughed, thinking that was a better solution to our bedding problem.

"If you plan to buy such a hard mattress, I won't be laying anywhere near you! I'll buy my own bed and sleep elsewhere."

"You're so stubborn," he shook his head and stood back up, making his way to the next.

"Can I help you today sir?" A shop assistant walked up next to Harry.

"Yes actually, my pregnant, hormonal, stubborn girlfriend is being difficult. I want a firm mattress, soft ones give me back pains, and she wants a softer one, we can't come to an agreement," he complained to the amused girl.

"Sir can I lead you over here, I think I have a solution to the problem," she lead us to a mattress Harry hadn't tested out yet.

She explained there was some kind of latex in the mattress itself that allowed half the bed to be softer, and the other half more firm.

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