Chapter 22

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Jen's POV

Harry had been gone a full week now, and was well and truly out of the country. I didn't mind the distance though, to be honest it was less painful having him in another country, rather than having him here in Australia and not being able to see him.

We spoke multiple times everyday, I didn't know if he was checking on me or checking on the baby more. I was six weeks into my pregnancy now, and I still didn't really feel any different, besides the occasional nausea that came in the mornings.

Monday's were always a drainer, because it was the start of the new week which meant Friday was as far away as it could possibly be. The only thing that would get me through this week was knowing Harry was at the end of it.

Mason insisted on fussing around me all last week, using the baby as an excuse for me to do as little physical activity as possible. Well he got his niece who was doing work experience to fetch my coffees and take trips to the printer for me, while he barked out orders.

I felt bad making her do it all, so I decided to treat her to a night out on Saturday, taking her to a movie and ice cream, without Mason. She was such a sweet girl, and it made me miss when Sam was younger.

When I was eighteen I was the only one with a license, so I often dragged my sister along shopping or out to dinner whenever I wanted to leave the house. I loved my parents, but sometimes they were so unbearable to deal with, especially when I was a teenager.

But now that Sam could drive herself, and she spent a lot of her time with Calum when he was in town or working on assignments for Uni, we did less and less things together, so it was nice to go out with someone younger and remember old times.

Photos of us were all over the internet of course. Harry's radio interview had aired confirming we were back together, so I was back to being a person of great interest again. I hated the attention, but I knew it just came along with dating someone like him, but he was worth it.

"Jen can I ask you a massive favour?" Mason came over to my desk as soon as he entered the office.

"Depends what it is," I joked. I'd do anything for him, and he knew that. He looked a little rattled this morning, something was definitely up with him.

"I wouldn't ask if I wasn't concerned, but my sister told me this morning Noura wouldn't come out of her room at all yesterday, and she didn't say a word to me this morning when I asked what was wrong. Apparently she's been a little emotional, and usually she would tell me anything, but I can't get a word out of her. Could you maybe try and talk to her? I don't know, maybe she'll open up to you since you're not family and you're a girl!"

Nori was sitting over at her designated desk, and she definitely didn't look like her usual cheerful self I had grown to know over the last week. She was quite open with me, she told me about a boy she had been seeing from school while we ate ice cream, maybe her mood had something to do with him.

"Yeah of course," I assured Mason I would try and get it out of her, and maybe flip her mood around somehow. I made my way over to her, and she gave me a small smile as I approached her desk. By small I meant the weakest attempt at a smile I had witnessed.

"Hey sweetie, did you have a good time Saturday?" I started off the conversation with some small talk. My only response from her was a small head nod, and a split second of eye contact.

"Has something happened since then that's bothered you?" I asked her carefully. Again she didn't speak, instead she lied and shook her head.

"Nori your uncle is worried about you, do you want to talk about what happened? I promise it will stay between us, maybe I can help?" I reached across and took her hand in mine, showing her I cared for her and would support her through whatever battle she was facing with herself.

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