Chapter 76

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Angus' POV

"Gem..." I froze in place, staring back at my wife who I hadn't seen in months. She hadn't returned a single call, or made any attempt to contact me, yet here she was in front of me.

"Hi," she said quietly, almost afraid of my reaction to her being here. She was different to how I knew her. She was usually confident, in charge, and vibrant- now she was timid and defeated.

Maybe the separation was just as hard on her as it was me. I had just assumed she had moved on, not wanting anything more to do with me, maybe I was wrong.

"Hey," I replied. I didn't know what to say, all I wanted to do was jump up and hold her again, tell her how much I missed her, and forget the last few months had even happened, but I couldn't. I didn't know if she wanted that, so I stayed in place waiting for her to make the next move.

"Could we talk somewhere? I know I don't really deserve it, so I understand if you don't want to..."

Jen, Harry and Anne were all looking at me anxiously, waiting to see what my answer would be. A part of me wanted to say no, she had put me through hell the last four months, what made her so deserving of me just wanting to talk to her the second she came back?

A stronger part of me though still loved her, and still wanted to save our crumbling marriage. This is the day I had been waiting for, for her to talk to me again, so I wasn't going to let it slip.

"Let's go upstairs," I stood and walked towards her. I didn't know how I was meant to act, how I was meant to greet her. Usually I would kiss her, but I didn't want to right now. So I walked straight past her and she followed.

I walked into my room, stopping in front of the window as I watched the tide come in. These seconds of silence were soothing, kind of like the calm before the storm.

"I'm sorry, I didn't mean to hurt you," she broke the silence, her apology hitting me harder than the waves against the rocks right now.

"What did you think was going to happen when you walked out on me Gemma? Did you think I was going to thank you for destroying the first real relationship I've ever had? Was it even real? Or was it just a thrill ride for you?"

I couldn't help but snap, I'd been holding this all in for months, I'd reached my boiling point.

"Of course it was real, how can you even suggest that?" She looked hurt, her eyes swelling up with tears.

"How can I? Are you serious? You gave up on us when I needed you the most, when we needed each other the most. It was both our loss Gemma, not just yours. You found a way out of this and you took it.

You haven't spoken to me in months, you wouldn't take a single call, and when people tried to talk about me you acted as if I was nothing to you- so forgive me for thinking the entire thing meant shit to you."

"I was giving you a way out, I made it easy for you to walk away and leave. You were going to anyway, eventually you would have resented me for not being able to give you children, you would have felt stuck in a marriage you didn't want. I gave you your out," she rose her voice back at me.

"That wasn't your decision to make! You don't get to just decide my life for me! I put a ring on your finger before you fell pregnant, and before children were even a factor. We both made fun of the idea of being parents, don't you remember when we first got together, and we spoke about not wanting kids because we'd both suck at it?

That was something we had in common, and what drew us to each other, the complete lack of faith in ourselves and our inability to be a dependant for another human being. Our plan was to raise a family of cats and dogs, babies weren't what brought us together Gem! Do you remember anything said that night..."

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