Chapter 63

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Jen's POV

I let Angus cry on my shoulder for some time, until he was ready to let me go, and allow him inside.

"Come into the lounge," I lead him into our only furnished sitting area. He looked horrible, I hated seeing him this way.

"First of all, how did you know to come here?" I asked him, confused as to why he came here and why he didn't go to my apartment.

"Before things went down with Gem, Harry told her you guys were moving in here. He told her he wanted you moved in before he left Friday, so I figured you'd be here."

He wiped his face in his jumper, and I noticed his hair was dull and product free, like he hadn't touched it in days. It was unfamiliar to me, he always looked immaculate in his appearance, I hardly recognised this unkept guy sitting across from me.

"Oh you want to talk about what happened?" I treaded lightly, not wanting to push him further into the dark place he was occupying right now.

"Everything is f*cked up Jen, I don't know what to do, I've lost everything!"

"What do you mean? Explain to me what happened Angus, maybe I can help if I know the story?"

"You can't help, no one can help. She's made her mind up and that's that," he shook his head, his sadness turning into something that resembled anger and frustration.

"I'll tell you everything, from the beginning," he continued, and dove into the beginning of the end for him.


Angus' POV

"Angus get down to the hospital now," I replayed in my head over and over, Gemma's work friend's voice rang clear in my mind.

I'd gotten the call to come down to the hospital since Gemma had been rushed to emergency, and I had no idea what was going on. Lara wouldn't tell me what was happening to her, she sounded panicked, told me to come and hung up.

My heart was racing thinking about all the possible things that could have happened to my wife. I ran out of work as fast as I could, jumped in my car, and headed over to where she was.

All I knew was she was barely two months pregnant, and her being in emergency made me extremely nervous for the future of our baby.

I was thankful the traffic allowed me to get to the hospital within ten minutes, and I couldn't have run fast enough to get inside to find her.

"I got a call that my wife has been brought in," I ran straight to the receptionist, barely catching my breath.

"What's her name sir?" The nurse asked, placing her hand over mine to try and calm my down I figured.

"Gemma O'Loughlin!"

"I'll page her doctor, just take a seat sir," she instructed me.

"I'm not going to take a seat, my wife is in there, I don't know what's happened to her, just let me go to her!" I lost it, unable to keep my emotions in tact.

"Angus!" Lara appeared in the doorway, and I bolted over to her.

"Where is she? What's wrong? Can you take me to her please, the staff are this hospital are f*cking hopeless!"

"Calm down, just come with me," she pulled me along to Gemma's bed just around the corner.

"Babe, babe what's happened?" I was at her side immediately, having a seat on her bed, taking her hands in mine.

"I'm sorry," she broke down, pulling my body towards her, burying her head in my chest.

"Sorry for what? What's wrong? Why are you here in a hospital gown?" I pulled away, taking her face in my palms.

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