Chapter 16

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Jen's POV

"Honey you stress too much, we have passes I'm sure they weren't going to tell you to get out of the car!" My dad laughed at me when I got off the phone with Harry in a panic.

I liked to be prepared, I hated not knowing if something was going to work out or not. I knew I'd be let in, but still I needed that guaranteed assurance.

As security let us in without a problem, we parked the car and Paul came into view as Harry had said he would.

"Nice to see you again Lauren," he kissed my mums cheek when we walked over to him, "Ryan, good to see you!" He shook my dads hand next. "Welcome back Jen," he held his arms out and I hugged him hello. It was good to be back, not only at the shows, but back to being part of the family I was welcomed into last year.

"How are you feeling? If you need absolutely anything from me or the management team, through any of this, don't hesitate to ask! I know you and Harry will want your privacy, and we'll do everything we can to accommodate that." I had no idea Paul had known about my pregnancy, I didn't think Harry had told anyone, but I didn't really tell him not to.

"You know I'm pregnant?" I asked him.

"I saw the pamphlets, and I heard you confirm it to your boss. Harry has not told me anything, and I haven't told the team either, it's up to you two when you're ready but it is something that needs to be discussed. We need to handle the press and work out the bands schedule because I'm sure Harry will want to spend time with you and the baby when it arrives, you know, that kind of stuff."

I had barely wrapped my head around being pregnant, I didn't even think how this was going to affect so many other people, mainly Harry's band. The media wasn't something I wanted to deal with any time soon, so the longer we could keep this on the low down, the better.

"Yeah of course, I'll have a talk to Harry and ask him when he wants to do all that, thanks Paul," I smiled at him and he nodded.

"That's all just the business side of things, we don't have to worry about that right now," he assured me.

"I have a question actually," my dad spoke up.

"What's that?" Paul asked him.

"Will my daughter have to sign any types of confidentiality clauses?" He asked him. I had no idea what that meant, then again I didn't understand any of my dads lawyer terms, I zoned out when he spoke about his job usually.

"I'm not sure, possibly to protect his privacy the lawyers may suggest she sign one," he responded.

"With all due respect Paul, his privacy isn't my main concern here. He is a public figure with a team behind him, now I'm not suggesting your team is going to sue my daughter if this comes out without prior consent, but she is the one pregnant, and she doesn't have the law team and management behind her like Harry does. She will be the one scrutinised by the press when this comes out, so I don't see the need for her to be signing anything. I understand this is business and you have a brand to protect, but these are two human beings having a child, there should be nothing legal about it. If anyone should be signing confidentiality clauses it's your team, and if any documentation is produced, as her lawyer I would like to read it and sign off on it."

I had some idea what my dad was talking about now, and I was thankful he was here to deal with this for me.

"I'm not saying anything will be drawn up, but in the instance it does than of course the documentation will be forwarded on to you, you have my word," he promised him.

"You sign nothing without my permission!" My dad looked at me seriously and I understood the seriousness of the situation.

"I won't," I told him, and everyone seemed to relax after that.

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