Chapter 43

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Jen's POV

The weekend had gone so extremely slow. Whenever you had something to look forward to time always seemed to slow down.

I got my details about my flight to LA next month, and Harry had managed to get Willow on my flight. I hoped by then this little one inside me would hurry and grow, so I had a bump so show him.

I was still pretty flat, but my boobs were bigger than normal, and hurt slightly. It had been easy to cover up my pregnancy so far, my boobs were naturally large so no one really suspected a sudden boob job, and my sickness usually came before work so there were no spontaneous trips to the bathroom throughout the day.

My mum and I were sitting in the waiting room of Dr Thomas's office, waiting for my first antenatal appointment. I was a little nervous, although I didn't know why. It's not like I'd be seeing anything today, this was more of a meet and greet, and to check everything with my body was how it should be.

"I still can't believe I'm sitting in this office, with my baby girl," my mum pulled me into her, and kissed the side of my head.

"I remember being here when I was pregnant with you, and now you're here carrying your own baby. It's surreal, I still can't wrap my head around it!" Her voice cracked, and I knew she would start crying.

My mum was an emotional person, I'm surprised it took her the ten minutes we were here before she started getting sentimental, and started crying.

"Mum get it together! You don't want Nate to see you crying already do you?" I rubbed on her back, and she wiped her tears, recomposing herself.

"I'm so proud of you Jen, I really am. You've made a good life for yourself, and you've handled this so well. I know you're going to be an amazing mother, I don't doubt it for a second. You're like me, you have a mothering nature about you, you always put others before yourself, and that's so important when being a mum."

She took my hands in hers, and now I was the one trying to choke back the tears. I don't think there's ever really a perfect time to fall pregnant and become a mum, and the timing wasn't fantastic, but now I couldn't be happier to be carrying the man I loved's child.

Harry was excited about the whole thing. He'd already called me twice today and continuously messaged me about my appointment, and I hadn't even gone in yet. We wouldn't really be finding anything new out today, except for when my first scan date was.

"Jenelle Taylor, Dr Thomas is ready to see you now," the lovely receptionist called for my attention, and mum and I both took a breath in and out to relax ourselves again, then made our way over to Nate's office.

"Hello ladies," Nate stood from his desk and hugged us both hello. We took a seat opposite him while he got up my file and typed a few things into the computer.

"So I hear congratulations is in order," he turned to me and smiled.

"Thank-you," I smiled back.

"Who's the lucky man? I'm surprised your father hasn't told me about this sooner! That man is impossible to to tell secrets to, but he managed just fine with this one!"

"I told him if he told anyone he'd be out of the house!" My mum interjected and we all laughed.

"The dad is Harry, my boyfriend," I answered his previous question.

"So you're telling me I'm going to be delivering Harry Styles' first born child? The pressure is on now isn't it," he laughed, and I knew he was just trying to lighten the mood. I think doctors sensed a nervous patient quite well, and tried their best to make them feel more comfortable.

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