Chapter 32

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Harry's POV

I felt bad for walking out earlier without telling her. I could tell she was pissed about it, she'd barely spoken to me since I got back.

I don't know why what happened in the shower bothered me so much. I guess it was just a male ego type thing.

The one thing I always had was my ability to pleasure my girlfriend, she'd never not come under my touch, and when she didn't it was a bit of a blow. So I acted like a sulky teenage boy and left the shower.

I'd calmed down and gotten over it in the car on the way home from picking my parents up. They noticed I was a little quiet and in thought about something, but there was no way I was going to tell them what was on my mind. I assured them everything was fine, and when I got back to Jen's I acted like nothing had happened.

It was a façade to play along with my lie to my parents, I didn't want them to think we had problems. We didn't have problems, it was all in my head and a bruise to my ego that I'd have to find a way to heal. I had to pick my balls up from the ground and get over myself.

After her and Sam finished watching their show, she got up from the room and left without a word to me.

"You're in the dog house bad," Sam looked over at me and quietly laughed.

"Did she tell you what happened?" I asked her.

"Yeah, why are you sulking over that kind of stuff? And then to leave the apartment without telling her, Harry you need to pick your battles, and not being about to get her off in five minutes is not a battle worth fighting."

What Sam said made sense, she was right with the whole picking your battles. Even though this wasn't exactly an argument, and we weren't fighting, I knew she was pissed off at me, and when I walked into her room I would be walking into a war zone.

"I know Sam, it was just a blow to the ego I think, that's all. Jen is the sensible one in the relationship, the smart one, the mature one, I'm pretty much at her command and happily let her wear the pants. This was the one thing I had, my area of the relationship was the ability to pleasure her, and she took that from me too. What am I good for?" I confessed to her.

"Are you actually serious right now?" Jen's voice startled me out of my conversation with Sam.

I was embarrassed she heard that, I didn't want to admit it to her because it was stupid, but I guess timing also worked against me.

She disappeared back into her room when I didn't answer her, only to return a few seconds later with her shoes in hand.

"Come on," she hopped along while trying to put her shoes on her feet.

"Where are we going?" I asked her surprised she wanted to leave the apartment with me, especially since I had just aggravated her even more.

"We're going for a walk! I need some air, and we need to talk privately!" She said, holding her hand out to me.

"Sam keep Anne and Robin company! Take them out to lunch or something. My purse is on my bedside table, take my credit card but don't you dare use it for anything else!"

"Aye aye captain!" She saluted her, and Jen pulled on my hand as we left the apartment.

The elevator ride was quiet, but at least she was holding onto my hand, that as a good sign at least.

She walked us across the road to a little park we'd never been to before, I'd never even noticed it was here. I really did have to explore Melbourne a little more, since I was deciding to make this home.

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