Harry Styles.

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Guys this isn't a chapter, I just felt like writing a post about my opinion on Harry that's all. Instead of a long authors note I just posted it as a chapter that's all. And now I know why everyone was so confused because the writing didn't come up awks

Hi loves,

So basically I just wanted a place where I could document my thoughts, and this is where I feel safest doing so. You guys don't really judge me, and I feel if I posted this on Twitter or Tumblr or something I would probably get some hate, so I chose Wattpad. So I just wanted to talk about the person mentioned in my subject line, and who this fanfic centres around basically, Harry Styles.

I want to talk about how I find him to be the most humble member of One Direction, and why I believe he is the one that takes advantage of his position to do the most good. In no way am I putting down the other 4 members, I adore them all and I believe they are all incredible people, but Harry is the one that has really had an impact on my thoughts, and has my respect the most.

Obviously we think Harry is attractive, yes those green eyes and long curly hair have us all swooning and gets the juices flowing (lol) but there is more to him than that. Some of you may remember me saying I wasn't initially a fan of his when I became a 1D fan, I just had no interest in him outside of the fact he was in the band I love. I remember sitting with my sister watching "One Direction a Year in the Making" and I went into it ignoring every Harry scene because as I said, I had no interest in him. There was one scene however that did get my attention, and that was the following...

So Harry started talking about how he had read negatives comments about himself on social media, and he admitted that it really did affect him, and he was the type of person that cared alot about what people thought about him, and he broke down. It was around that point that my eyes were opened to what an incredible person he is. It wasn't because I felt sorry for him, and I felt bad for disliking him, it was because of his attitude.

Most guys would never admit they cared what people thought about them, alot of them walk around with this "I don't care what you think" attitude, and it's so unattractive. They would probably look down on Harry and label him a "pussy" for crying, but I find Harry admirable. He was brave, and had the courage to admit to the world, yes I have insecurities, and yes people's opinions do matter to me. He made people see that it is okay to be honest, and show people your real emotions.

Amongst that, there are other reason's why I find Harry to be such an incredible person. He does alot of charity work, all of them do, but I think Harry goes above and beyond to make people happy, and show he does care about people other than himself. Yes I know Louis does those charity football matches and that's incredible of him, but I just find that the smaller things Harry does are more meaningful. Harry doesn't need to make a big spectacle, and organize huge events like Louis and Niall have done previously, he does things privately.

When he visits sick children in his OWN time, drives down to their houses and spends hours with them just to brighten their day, he doesn't do it for the publicity or to gain a good reputation. When we drives around town using thousands of dollars of his own money to feed homeless people, he doesn't do that for good press, he does it because he cares. The only reason people know about that was because Ed Sheeran had said it in an interview once when talking about Harry. He has probably done so many things like that behind closed doors that we don't know about, and I find that so incredibly humble of him.

While others may be sitting by a Miami beach or pool sipping vodka and lemonades, he is using his time off to have lunches with organizations trying to do good for the world. I'm not at all saying it's a bad thing to relax on the little time off you have, so I'm not putting the others down, I'm just saying Harry would rather be out there bringing awareness to something, and making his connections, rather than lounging by the pool or sitting on twitter ranting on about things.

Which brings me to his tweets. He without fail thanks every city he goes to for coming to the shows, if not the city than he thanks the country as a whole. Again, I know the others do it to occasionally, but really Harry's twitter is basically just thanking the fans for everything they do, a couple of weird tweets no one understands, and bringing awareness to certain charities or organizations he believes in. He doesn't go on ranting sprees because people don't like who he's dating, he doesn't swear, he never ever has once complained about a single thing, and he certainly doesn't DM his fans back swearing at them, even if they did deserve it.

He's just not the type of person who gets caught up with whats trending on twitter, or feels the need to comment on what the media are writing about, or getting caught in twitter wars with rival bands. Yeah I know it would be entertaining to see him stick up for himself occasionally, or make a snide comment to someone sending him hate, but he's just not about that kind of life. He keeps to himself alot, and I find him to kind of be a lonely soul. That's not at all a bad thing, he would just rather do things on his own rather than go off with another member of the band and do it.

I notice he spends majority of his free time away from the band, and when he is with someone it's mainly Niall. He's really close to him and I love their friendship, Niall to me is the second most humble member of the band and I think the pair of them really bring out the best in one another. But back to Harry, I just think he prefers doing things for himself.

He has said when he visits a new city he likes to meet a person or a family, and have them take him around and show him that city, rather than lock himself in a hotel room and play xbox for instance. Again, he uses his opportunities he is given to do something greater than just spend his time and money buying luxurious items. He flies his family out to be with him on tour from time to time, and he spends his time with them when they are there, as oppossed to going out partying every night and sleeping with a new girl.

Who knows, Harry could very well have a different girl in every city, I could have him all wrong, but from what I've gathered he's very respectful of women and doesn't objectify them as sex objects, so I highly doubt he sleeps around. I feel he's someone who wouldn't sleep with someone who isn't his girlfriend, unless hes drunk and need's some relief if you know what I mean haha. He's still a boy, they have needs and they do get lonely on the road so I wouldn't judge him if he did sleep with groupies, but again, I don't think he does.

I hope you haven't thought I in any way was having a dig at the other members through this post, I was simply just saying why I personally find him the most admirable member, and the one that uses his fame the wisest. I love them all, and I think they are great people, but to me Harry may be the youngest, but he is the most mature and grounded one of the group.

New chapter tonight most likely. Much love to you all, comment below your opinions xx

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