Chapter 56

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Harry's POV

It was out there now, my future for everyone to judge and give their opinion on.

I wasn't reading the comments, and I wasn't letting Jen read them either. Quite frankly I didn't care what anyone thought, and if it were entirely my decision I wouldn't even have announced it.

I was bracing myself for the backlash and media frenzy I just caused, but as much as I wished I didn't care what people thought, deep down I knew I did. I knew Jen cared too, much more than she should of.

"Harry! Jen!" I heard Gemma and Sam call out, followed by them thumping down the stairs.

"Oh god," Jen laughed when she saw them running towards us, with their phones in their hand.

"What is this?" Gemma held her phone out to us, showing the instagram post.

"We just thought it was time to announce it, especially with those photos coming out," I explained. "We wanted to be the ones to confirm it, I don't want the f*cking media calling the shots and talking about my baby like they have any right, and making up assumptions.

This way we announced it our way, and people can stop trying to break stories to the press about it. It's out there, people can say what they want, I'm not going to hide my happiness over it anymore."

My house phone began to ring, and I mentally cursed that it had already started. Someone would be calling to tell me what an idiot I was for announcing it, or yelling at me for not telling them Jen was pregnant. I couldn't be bothered with it.

"Jen can you get it? And just tell them I'm in the shower," I asked her, and she agreed without hesitation.

"The comments are actually quite positive," Gemma told me, reading off a few of them.

Majority of the fans were confused by the post- some just typed a bunch of random letters capitalised, others just saying the word what, and some more clever simply just congratulating both Jen and I.

"Someone said yay you and Louis are finally having a baby!" Gemma rolled her eyes and sighed.

"I'm so bored with that stuff," most of those kind of comments were just juvenile and annoying, and I tended to ignore them because they didn't even deserve a second thought. As long as they stayed harmless, and didn't personally attack Jen or our baby, I didn't care what they said.

"Who was it?" I asked Jen as she hung up the phone.

She didn't respond, all she did was give me a filthy look with her arms folded, and walked out of the kitchen.

"What have you done now?" Gemma slapped me across the arm and I flinched.

"Ow! How the hell am I meant to know? You saw what just happened, she got off the phone and she was pissed. I don't know who rang? Or what they would have said to piss her off!" I defended myself, and I was very confused as to what the hell I did now.

I walked over to the phone to check who called, and I punched the number into my iPhone to check who it was.

"F*ck," I mumbled when I saw who had called, and what they would have potentially said.

"Who was it?" Gemma asked.

"The mechanic who worked on my bike. Jen told me to get rid of it, but he was probably calling to remind me to pick it up. He called Willow a couple days ago to tell me it was ready, but I've been busy. I was going to get it when she left."

She was going to kill me, she was very adamant about me getting rid of the thing. I didn't know why she hated them so much, she wouldn't really talk about it with me.

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