Chapter 45

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Jen's POV

"Shouldn't we be seeing or hearing something by now?" I asked the midwife in a panic.

My heart was racing, I was surprised her monitor wasn't picking up even my heartbeat.

Harry had my hand pressed to his mouth, and his eyes were closed when I glanced over to him. He was just as scared as I was, but he was trying to stay strong for the both of us, I knew him.

"Sometimes it's a little hard to find at first, don't worry...ahh here we go," the midwife lingered her device over a small patch of my stomach, and the room filled with the noises of loud thumps.

It sounded like a galloping horse, but in this very moment is was my favourite sound in the entire world.

"Is that it? Is that our baby?" Harry's head rose and stared at the screen in disbelief.

"Yes that's your babies heartbeat, and by the sounds of it it's a very strong and healthy one," she smiled at us, and I heard Harry breath out a sigh of relief.

He was smiling so big right now, and his eyes were glassy from the tears forming. I felt the same way he did, to be so scared that something had happened, to being so blissfully happy that your heart could burst, all within ten seconds of each other.

"Why was it so hard to find?" I asked her.

"The baby moves around a lot, so every time I would put my Doppler over a certain section it would move away. Being a stubborn little thing," she chuckled.

"Well I see who it gets its attitude from already," Harry snickered, and I shook my head at his dig.

"Are you ready to see your baby?"

"Yes," Harry and I said in unison, and stared at the screen of black and grey.

"This right here is the head," she pointed to the screen, and you could distinctly see a round head, and even the nose and you could make out the mouth.

"Oh my god," I clasped my mouth from the shock. This was the first time this pregnancy really felt real. There really was a little person growing inside of me, it had a face and a heartbeat. That night we acted on impulse we were doing something greater than just taking a trip down memory lane, we were creating this little life.

The midwife pointed out other parts of the babies body. He or she was so tiny, but I was already so in love with it, I didn't know this depth of love even existed until right now.

"Everything looks very normal here, as far as I can tell you have a healthy baby on your hands. I'm going to print off a photo for you to take home, and give you two a little privacy to take it all in, and let you clean yourself up," she excused herself and closed the door behind her.

She had the image of the baby still up on the screen, and I hadn't seen Harry take his eyes off it. He was still taking it all in, not moving, until I sat up to clean myself off.

"Let me," he took the paper towel from my hands, and started wiping away the jelly just as carefully as last time.

"What are you thinking?" I cupped his cheek, and he looked at me.

"I...I mean how do you even put into words this feeling? I've never been so happy in my life. It scared the shit out of me when she couldn't find anything, but when I heard the heart beat and saw it, I can't even describe it Jen."

"I know what you mean, it's amazing. I can't believe there's actually something in there," I smiled down at my bump, rubbing it.

"Here is the photo guys, congratulations! I'll see you both soon, leave whenever you're ready," the midwife came back in to hand us our photo, and quickly left again.

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