Chapter 64

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Harry's POV

Tomorrow was my last day with Jen until I left for tour again. This would be the hardest separation for us yet, because it would be the longest.

Willow had sent through my schedule earlier in the week for the next few months, and by looking at what we had coming up, I wouldn't be seeing Jen for three months. The tour was constant, and with the new album coming out, promo was overtaking the the little time we did have off between shows.

I didn't even want to tell her, because I knew she would cry and I couldn't bare it. My schedule synced to her phone, so I knew she would see it eventually, but I dreaded bringing it up for the time being.

It was hard being away from her, but being away from her while she was pregnant was by far the hardest thing I'd have to do. I knew she had good people surrounding her, and it comforted me that Angus would now be here with her.

The way she was looking at me right now, her eyes filled with love and confidence in me that I would be a good dad, I never wanted that look to fade. She was happy in this moment, sitting in our baby's future room, I couldn't take that from her right now.

Sometimes my career was more of a burden than a blessing, especially when my heart wasn't where it was meant to be. I didn't take it for granted though, I knew how important it was for me to do my job with a smile on my face, and knew how lucky I was to have the life I did.

The more I worked, the more I was earning for my family, that was the only thing that made being away from her easier, knowing I was doing something for our future.

"You're not doubting yourself again are you?" She asked me, picking up on my mood change.

"What makes you think that?" I sat up, determined I would tell her about the tour schedule. She always knew when I was keeping something from her, so there was no point avoiding the inevitable.

"You just went really quiet, and your mind wandered off, which is does when you're overthinking something. Harry you're going to be an amazing dad, don't doubt yourself," she pulled me into a hug.

"Jen I-"

"Harry mate!" Angus interrupted me before I could tell her about the tour.

"Gus, good to see you pal, shitty circumstances though, I'm so sorry. Jen filled me in on everything, sorry for your loss, and sorry my sister is being so stubborn," I stood up and hugged him.

He looked like shit, there was no way of putting it nicely. He looked like me when Jen and I broke up, and my world was falling apart. I had lost my girlfriend, but he had lost both his wife and his child, I couldn't even begin to understand the level of pain he was enduring.

"Thanks Harry, I appreciate it. I suppose they say when life gives you lemons you make lemonade, but every time I do someone pisses in my lemonade and I have to start all over again," he shrugged.

"What does that even mean?" Jen asked, and I couldn't help but laugh at her lack of understanding, she never understood the witty sayings.

"It means when something bad happens to you, you make something good of it, but every time he does something else happens to ruin it," I explained to her.

"I like lemons, why are they seen as a bad thing?" She questioned.

"Because they're sour and full of acid!"

"So? I love sour things, I don't particularly like lemonade, so you'd be giving me something good and turning it into something bad."

She was adorable, and she was always challenging what I was saying to her. Not only did she like to fight me, but now she was fighting history because she didn't agree with one of the most common sayings in life.

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