Chapter 16

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Its been a week, a week I have been avoiding Lauren, iv been on two more dates with Shay, and I'm really falling for her but is it possible to fall in love with two people?

Our second date Shay took me out for a really romantic meal not wanting to do anything active because of our first date, Our third date she took me to the local fair.

Making my way through the hotel lobby,I heard a yelling coming from outside making my way out, my eyes widened when they landed on Lauren screaming at Jess,just as I was about to back away Jess turned and caught my gaze.she ran up to me grabbing my shoulders"mila"she cried into my shoulder.

I stood frozen wide eyed as Lauren glared at me, "Camila I need money"she told me backing up clearly getting to the point of her visit very bluntly, I sighed "why do you need money Jess"I asked her,she avoided eye contact rubbing the back of her neck.

"I am not giving you money for drugs Jessica"I shouted at her, clicking on her eyes narrowed at me "I wouldn't be asking if It wasn't important"she spat I rolled my eyes at her, "do your self a favour jess and just leave me alone"I told her one of the first times standing up to her.

"Who the fuck do you think your speaking to"she screamed walking up to me, "you get a new girlfriend and you think your all high and mighty!"she spat "This is nothing to do with Shay"I told her calmly.

"Then why was she screaming at me to stay away from you and threatened to kill me Huh camila"she hissed "Shay wouldn't do that!"I snapped back "You walked out to her screaming at me are you really that stupid"she laughed I looked up too see Lauren glaring at Jess her jaw tensed and her fist balled and realised she was talking about Lauren.

"That isn't Shay that's Lauren"I told her Jess looked at me with hate all over her face "your such a little slut"she told me with venom lacing her words "you go threw girls more than I go through drugs your a hypocrite"she spat and this made my blood boil.

"No iv had four girlfriends threw out my life you drink and smoke everyday Jessica your an abusive Druggie"I spat suddenly feeling a stinging sensation on my cheek my hand traced my cheek she hit me,opening my eyes Lauren had Jess pinned to the wall whilst she punched her over and over.

I raced over and grabbed Lauren's arm "stop"I whispered because I was behind her I was beside her ear.her hand stopped mid punch as her face turned to me looking me in the eye her emotions seemed all over the show there was anger,Confusion,Pain.

Her eyes whipped back round to Jess pinning her to the wall by her collar "you stay away from camila you stay away from me and you stay away from my hotel or I will not hesitate to find you and I promise you I will kill you"lauren spat at her whilst her nose was bleeding and her eye swelling.

Lauren threw her to the side as Jess picked herself up holding her stomach as she limped away not without glancing back with a look of hatred.

Lauren turned to me looking over my face clearly for any sign of bruising, lifting her hand up resting it on my cheek she sighed
"are you okay?"she Asked just above a whisper.
I nodded she broke eye contact but without moving her hand away "thank you" I whispered,
Her eyes darted to mine frowning "for doing that protecting me"I carried on.

"I'll always protect you camz"she told me looking from my eyes to my lips just as I thought she was about to lean in we heard a cough snapping us out of our daze jumping back from Lauren turning my head Shay was watching us clearly not amused.

"Camila?"she questioned I nodded "everything alright?"she asked narrowing her eyes at Lauren I nodded again not trusting my voice after what had just happened. "Can I talk to you?"she asked finally looking at me just to turn back to Lauren "Alone"she finished "yea of course"I told her walking over to her not without glancing at Lauren who was still in her glaring match with Shay.

Shay grabbed my hand leading me inside the hotel leaving Lauren standing outside of it alone.
Walking into the restaurant we sat down at the first table that caught view.

"So what's up?"I asked smiling at her she looked up at me smiling half heartedly reaching over a lifting my Hand in hers, "Camila I really like hanging out with you, I love that we are dating, you are the best thing that's came into my life in a long time mila"she smiled I got really worried "this sounds like a break up" I asked uneasy she shook her head about to speak when we were interrupted.

"Hey guys can I get you anything?"Ally asked us Shay shook her head "I'm good how about you mila?"she asked "no thanks ally"I smiled up at her,"if you guys change your mind you know were I am"she smiled walking away.

"So back to what I was saying"Shay continued "I'm leaving"she told me my eyes widened "what"I choked "I'm moving to LA mila"she sighed "why?"I asked "I didn't want to worry you at first but I lost my job here and I really needed a job my friend owns this huge new club in LA and offered me a full time job"she told me,

"Wait what do you mean you lost your job"I asked confused "The boss Lauren she uh fired me"she told me hesitantly "she what"I snapped,
"Let's deal with this first mila"she sighed and I nodded understanding "I wanted to ask you something and I want you to think about it there's no rush okay?"she asked carefully I nodded sighing.

"Come with me?"she asked just above a whisper.

I hope you guys liked it,
above is just a picture of a joint.
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