Chapter 26

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"You are so pathetic!"She screamed I flinched at the harshness of her words and backed away slightly.
"Jesus fuck you can't just go out a flirt with other girls like a fucking slut!"she hissed at me, "I wasn't flirting"I tried holding my ground.

"Do you know how fucking lucky you are to have me you piece of shit!"she snapped "I wouldn't be surprised if you mum and dad caused their own death just to get the fuck away from you!"she carried on,anger ran through my brains and before I could think my hand met her cheek,I stood back watching her grab her face in pain before looking at me rage filling her eyes.

She stormed over to me grabbing me by my hair dragging me down the hall way I cried at the pain she had no mercy,she stopped dead at the mirror holding my face by my chin forcing me to look at myself,"you see her"she questioned.

"She's fucking pathetic You! Are fucking pathetic"she spat pushing my head full force into the mirror causing it to break a tiny pieces of glass to stick into my face I couldn't help but scream in pain. Blood rain down me face along with my tears.

"You ever lay a hand on me again"she hissed "I'll kill you"she whispered the last part in my ear before pushing me forcefully into the mirror causing me to scream as more glass came in contact with my face.

"Camila" "Camila" I felt myself be shook.

My eyes opened wide I couldn't breathe I sat up In panic I touch my forehead checking my hand for any sign of blood, looking around I was in bed with Lauren,it was a dream well more like a memory.

"Camz"I heard Lauren beside me she grabbed my hand pulling me into her as I cried, "are you oka?"she questioned I nodded not being able to speak,"talk to me camila you were crying and screaming in your sleep that's not nothing"she sighed kissing my forehead.

"It was just a bad dream Lo!"I snapped I sat up straight rubbing my temples in annoyance with myself,I kept snapping at her for absolutely nothing she doesn't deserve this.

"I'm sorry Lo"I sighed "Is fine"she told me smiling slightly,"it really isn't though"I said sadly as a tears rolled down my face.

"I'm so sick of snapping at you for nothing Lauren,Iv been doing it to Dinah and Ally as well,a woman asked me were the bathroom was in the restaurant and I snapped at her ,what the fuck is wrong with me!"I cried.

"Camz don't cry"Lauren rested her hand on my cheek rubbing her thumb along the tears,"you can't help it,it was the accident,Dinah and Ally know that!I know that and as for the woman she'll get over it Camz you need to stop worrying about everyone else"she sighed her eyes never leaving mine.

"Tell me what your dream was about"she asked her Thumb stopping moment but she never lifted it away as she felt me stiffing,"Camz?"she questioned raising her eyebrows.

"It was just a bad dream"I told her "about?"she asked a little more edge in her voice."about the past"I snapped "Camila!"her voice getting louder making my head raise,she looked at me her eyebrows raised an intense look in her eyes.

"What was it about?"she questioned our gazes never leaving each other."does it matter?"I asked "was it about the crash?"she questioned her voice low "or jess"she spat her voice had venom in it."jess"I told her quietly.Her eyes widened slightly, hurt going threw her eyes,"what did she do to you?you were screaming"she asked worry lacing her words.

"She slammed my face into a mirror a few times"I told her and rage covered her features,"not before telling me how pathetic I am and that my parents probably caused their deaths to get away from me"I carried on seeing her expression change.

"Camz"she sighed pulling me into her "she can't hurt you anymore"she told me wrapping her arm around my waist as we were going back to sleep."your safe now"she whispered kissing my forehead before laying back down.

I hope it's oka?
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