Chapter 5

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Dinah and I went to the house while Jess was working and got the rest of my stuff and brought it back to the hotel, since it was already 6 Dinah just borrowed some of my clothes and makeup and we both got showered not together obviously.

At around eight we headed down to the bar and it was just how it was the first night I was here full of sweaty drunk people dancing to loud pumping music .
"Let's go get a drink"dinah shouted over he music I just nodded in agreement and followed her through the crowed I don't know why I felt slightly disappointed Lauren wasn't bartending tonight it was a young looking boy.

"Hello ladies what can I get you?"He asked me and Dinah looked at each other I shrugged "surprise us"Dinah shouted over the music and the bartender smirked "your wish is my command" he said and left to get our drinks.
"Where do you think ally is?"i asked Dinah and she shrugged "here you go ladies there is no name for this its my own creation on the house enjoy"he smiled walking away to serve someone else.

It was a tall fat glass with some sort of drink in it "yum mila this is great"Dinah told me as I took a sip and she was right it was so good.
"Hey Dinah hey camila"i heard behind me I turned and spotted ally and Lauren I frowned.
"Hey ally"dinah spoke,"this is Lauren guys Lauren this is Dinah and - camila" Lauren cut her off making ally look up at her.

"You guys know each other"she asked surprised "sorta"lauren shrugged looking me dead in the eye,i couldn't stand her green blazing eyes they were to intense to intimidating I had to look anywhere but her.

"I need the restroom excuse me" I told them making my way to the bathroom I got slapped on my ass I couldn't help the shock I turned around to see who it was, I hadn't even seen the man before "hey sexy"he smirked closing in on us "your dress is something"he commented on my short but mature black dress.
I hadn't realised he had backed me into a corner until my back hit a wall.

"What are you doing"i asked him "having fun"he licked his lips had he started to kiss down my neck I pushed him away "I don't swing for your team pal!"i snapped he just laughed and grabbed my wrist putting them above my head,kissing up and down my neck I couldn't push him off, "that's just because you haven't found the right man to please you properly"he whispered In my ear.
I couldn't help the few tears that escaped my eyes.

"Get off me"i cried all I could hear was some muffled laughs and all in one go he was of me,
"What the fuck do you think your doing"i heard Lauren scream at the man "having fun with this sexy thing let go off me"he told her Lauren's eyes turned to me her eyes taking in my scared looks and tears, before getting an angrier look, she punched him in the throat making him bend over for her to perfecting knee him in the face leaving him with a bloody nose.

Two security came over and Lauren said something to them as they took the perverted man I assumed they knew Lauren because she worked here.
She walked over to me "C'mon we get you cleaned up"she grabbed my hand pulling me towards the staff only area.

Once in it seemed to be sound proof as you couldn't hear any music at all there was a black leather couch facing a Tv a kitchen area Pool table and bathroom door,

Lauren lead me to the bathroom before lifting her hands to my face and just as always I flinched out of habit, she froze looking me in the eye "I won't and will never hurt you"her voice intense I nodded and she slowly took my face in her two hand rubbing away my tear stains with her thumbs.

"Thank you"i told her and she stopped watching her hands and looked me in the eyes again her green ones piercing mine she shook her head "and for yesterday with Jess I was a jerk I shouldn't have been so ignorant and rude you helped me"i rambled on, "its fine camz I helped you because that's what friends are for right?" She asked me smiling I nodded smiling back.

Lauren Jauregui's eyes😍above👆
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