Chapter 30

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"Honey stop"Lauren whined, "the pillow isn't a chew toy"She stated started to 'play' tug of war with the Labrador. "honey drop it"She shouted starting to get frustrated, "drop it"She hissed as the she fell backwards hitting her arm of the coffee table watching the dog carry on chewing the pillow.

"Oh my god honey drop it"Lauren heard Camila shout as she walked into the living room, and without hesitation,The dog left the pillow be, padding over to Camila to get its belly rubbed,"good boy"Camila smiled.

Lauren scoffed getting the attention of the younger girl,"iv been trying for 30 minutes to get that off him, that dog is not a good boy" she spat looking straight at the dog, "Lo you hurt his feelings"Camila sighed as the puppy curled into her lap making crying noises.Lauren rolled her eyes.

"Your a good boy arnt you honey,yes you are and I love you so much"Camila told him kissing him over and over,"I gotta get to work camz I'll see you in a bit"Lauren told the brown eyed girl taken of out the door, not before getting turned around by her girlfriend to receive a kiss, "I love you more"Camila whispered in Lauren's ear before turning and making her way to the kitchen.

"Fuck"Lauren huffed, before shutting the door and heading to the restaurant. Getting inside she saw that it was busy and cursed herself for being late.

"Hey Ally"She smiled casually picking up her notepad that she takes orders on. Ally turned glaring at her, "don't hey me Laur I know your the boss and all but I have been on my own for nearly an hour"Ally hissed, "I know, I know and that's why you'll be getting an extra two hours on your pay-cheek?"Lauren smiled carefully.

Ally sighed laughing slightly, "table 7 needs served"She told the taller girl before turning, and getting back to work, Lauren smiled to herself, heading over to take the couples order.

"Hey welcome to Jauregui's, I'll be your server,what can I get you?"She smiled at the two lads, "can I have the house special with a Pepsi please?"The blonde asked, "and for you"she smiled at the dark haired boy,"can I have the same but with a fanta please" He smiled, Lauren nodded taking it all down, "two house specials one with a Pepsi and the other with a fanta coming up"She smiled.

Walking back to the bar she gave the order into the kitchen and started to get the pairs drinks, she looked over and seen them exchange a kiss and smiled to herself, thinking they were cute together.

Once the drinks were ready Lauren headed back to the table, "here you guys are"She smiled the boys replied with thank you's, but before she left "if you guys don't mind me saying you two are a really cute couple"She smiled at the pair.

The two boys looked some what shocked, "you don't mind us kissing here do you?"The blonde one asked making Lauren frown, "of course not Why?"Lauren asked confused, "we have been kicked out of a few places before because of our sexuality"He replied looking away slightly.

"No of course not, this is my family's place plus I have a girlfriend."Lauren tried reassuring them.
"Really?"The dark haired one asked Lauren nodded stretching her hand down "I'm Lauren"She smiled he took her hand right away "Harry and this is my boyfriend Luke"he smiled happily, Once Lauren, Harry and Luke finished their exchange,Lauren went back to the bar to get their food.

Looking over she could see that the two boys were having a non happy conversation with the people at the next table. Grabbing their food and rushing back over to see what was going on Harry and the older man from the table beside them were both stood up.

"Hey what's going on?"Lauren raised her voice, "I want another table"The older man demanded, "may I ask why?"Lauren asked confused, "we shouldn't have to sit beside two spoofs"He scoffed Lauren raised her eyebrows, "one second"she smiled sarcastically, "would you two gentlemen come with me please?"She asked Harry and Luke who were looking at her confused.

They grabbed their stuff and followed Lauren. Lauren led them into the VIP section which was free drinks, Tv, it wasn't as crowed, It was really more for the celebrities that came to the restaurant, she sat their meals down at a table which Harry and Luke took their seats.

"I am so sorry about that the meals free, order what ever drinks you like they are free also, just please do not let that old fucker ruin your night"Lauren asked them. "Thank you so much"Harry smiled "yea not many people would do this"Luke agreed also thanking her.

Getting back to the old man he was still ranting on about how disgusting it was to have to sit beside two gay people. "sir you need to leave"Lauren told him calmly "what?"He looked appalled, "we don't take too kindly of people making a scene out of nothing"Lauren told him.

"They were gay that is not nothing that is an abomination I shouldn't be forced to sit beside them"He spat "you need to leave now"Lauren told him more forcefully, "what are you a faggot also"He asked, "why yes I am me and my girlfriend run this place now get the fuck out before you start going into flames because satan Is calling you home early because I like my business and I don't really want to see it on fire"Lauren hissed, all of a sudden Lauren felt a stinging on her face, The man had slapped her, the old fucker had actually put his hand on her, and that's when Lauren snapped.

"Who the fuck do you think you are to come into my business to start saying offensive things to people because of their sexuality and then when you get a little bit thrown back at you to fucking lay your old wrinkly man hands on me!"Lauren shouted grabbing his arm and twisting it, making him scream in pain.

"Get of him your going to break his arm"the Woman he was with started crying out. "walk"Lauren pushed his arm making him scream out louder but he started walking in the direction Lauren had taken Harry and Luke.

The old man keep crying out in pain but Lauren was showing no mercy. She led the man right up to the two boys who were sitting shocked, "what have you got to say?"Lauren asked, "nothing to them"He spat it just to scream out in pain once Lauren twisted his arm a little more, "try again"She spat "I'm sorry ok?"he cried out "for what"Lauren pushed, "I'm sorry for insulting you"he cried in pain.

"Good" she smiled not letting go "you two enjoy your night"Lauren smiled at the two boys who were grinning at her. Leading the man to the front of the restaurant all eyes were on them including a pair that Lauren thought were at home. The woman followed the man out as Lauren pushed him out onto the sidewalk making him fall with a 'whack'.

"Your barred"Lauren smiled at him walking back in all eyes were still on her, she sighed before putting on a smile, "I'm so sorry about that ladies and gentlemen please accept my apology with a free desert for everyone"She faked a smile whilst the customers cheered.She walked past everyone straight into the kitchen and straight out the back door.

Leaning her head on her arm that was leaning on the wall she started taking deep breathes trying to calm herself down. "fuck this"she spat pulling her arm back and connecting her fist with her wall over and over again.once her hand was numb she turned around sliding her back down the wall.Placing her head between her knees.

"You ok?"she heard a small voice asked, she looked up to find a worried Camila, she smiled and nodded, Camila joined her on the ground sitting beside her.
"Are you angry with me?"Lauren asked, Camila shook her head,"im proud of you"she kissed Lauren's cheek. "proud?"Lauren scoffed. "well yea you stuck up for yourself and them boys, you made the man apologise, you never hit him and you came out here to calm down instead of taking your anger out on other people"Camila told her making Lauren grin.

"Plus you didn't get arrested this time"Camila told her making them both burst out in laughter,"Thats true"She smiled.

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