Chapter 28

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"I don't want to go in there"I sighed as the Lauren stopped the car outside of the Therapists office."Camz"she mumbled,"You promised"she Carried on,reaching over the controller grabbing my hand."Plus I'm coming in for your first session anyway Dr Morris is really good"She told me with confidence.

Looking up I locked eyes with her,letting out an annoyed breath rolling my eyes "fine"I huffed taking my belt off and getting out of the car slamming the door behind me,walking up to the receptionist I started getting nervous,I stopped halfway there ready to turn round only to be joined by Lauren.

She took hold of my hand pulling me slightly to the desk,Where the young receptionist looked up at Lauren with a sly smile, "well hello"She said with a smirk,"Hi we have an appointment with Dr Morris at half 11"Lauren told her ignoring her flirting.

The receptionist turned to the computer typing away turning back around,"ah yes Ca-mill-a Ca-bell-o" she asked "Camila Cabello" I snapped annoyed at her getting my name wrong,she turned to me acknowledging me for the first time,looked me up and down and raised an eyebrow at me.

"Is that so"she spat,"and this is Lauren"I told her with a little too sweetly smile,"my girlfriend"I told her smugly and her smirk dropped off her face in seconds,"take a seat"she hissed,I couldn't help but laugh at her.

"Subtle camz"Lauren whispered in my ear as we took a seat,"you weren't going to do anything"I told her,"there was nothing to do"she rolled her eyes,"I'll remember that for the next time someone's chatting me up"I smirked at her as she narrowed her eyes at me.

Before she could answer, a tall,slim lady with brown hair stepped out of her office,she pulled her glasses up to her eyes as she read the waiting list,"Camilla?"she called out looking up
I rolled my eyes at the wrong pronouncing of my name for the second time today,"it's Camila,"Lauren said sweetly,before standing to shake Dr Morris's hand "and I'm Lauren"she smiled "yes I remember you"Dr Morris told her making me frown.

"I didn't think you would it has been a few years"Lauren laughed nervously looking back and forth between me and the therapist.
"Anyway we are here for Camila"Lauren told her quickly before Dr Morris could reply.She grabbed my hand pulling me towards the door as Dr Morris lead us in.

It wasn't a huge room but it was average,it had a desk with a chair at the end of it, but further down the room was Two couches,which i suppose is for sessions.Dr Morris sat on one couch,"please sit"she told us gesturing towards the other couch.

"So Camila,Lauren has told me a few things but how about we hear them from you?"she smiled "and don't feel pressured or rushed we can go at your pace"she told me,I sighed fidgeting slightly,looking at Lauren nervously,she squeezed my hand and gave me a slight smile in encouragement.

"Well uh,I was in a car accident and well the side effects of that Haven't been easy"I told her honestly,she nodded understandably,"and what sort of side effects have you been getting?"she asked, i started playing with the sleeves of my hoodie nervously "I haven't been sleeping,iv um been waking up from nightmares,I have slight memory loss now and again and my temper really"I tell her

"And which is the worst thing for you?"she asked "the sleeping,I haven't had a proper night sleep in weeks"I sigh,"and that's because you wake up from nightmares?"she asked I nodded my head in agreement.

"So Lauren,What is Camila like when she is having these side effects?"Dr Morris asks,Lauren looked caught of guard,probably thinking because we were here about me that she wouldn't have to speak."Well every now and again she forgets things,we could be in a conversation and a minute later she could completely forget,and her Temper is a lot worse,she snaps at people a lot more for little things"Lauren tells the Dr.

"The nightmares are defiantly the worst,her whole body trembles as she screams at the top of her lungs,she claws at her arms and her crying is uncontrollable"Lauren carries on never looking at me.

"So Camila would you like to give us a slight insight of what the nightmares are about?"Dr Morris asks making my eyes widen slightly, "uh it's basically the car crash,I can remember being trapped,and being upside down"I tell her,"is there any other type of nightmares?"she asks,"anyone else in any?"she asks again.

"There's one were its the car crash,and I'm trapped but I'm not the only one in the car"I tell her slowly looking at Lauren, who looks shocked her eyes filled with concern."Lauren's beside me,trapped in the passenger side,blood everywhere glass everywhere and I can't get to her she's unconscious and I can't help her"I tell her my breathing fastening and tears filling my eyes.

I felt Lauren squeeze my hand again,making me realise that It was in my head and my eyes opened again,not knowing that i closed them was what scared me."Is there any other types?"Dr Morris asked again, I looked at her for a second then at Lauren who was frowning before shaking my head.

"Are you sure Camila?"She asked and I nodded "what about Jess is she in any?"Dr Morris carried on,making my head snap up frowning i turned to Lauren,"you told her about jess?"I panicked,Lauren frowned her eyes searching my eyes, probably to figure out why I'm so annoyed,she just stared at me for a few seconds before nodding.

I took my hand out of her grip,putting my head in my hands sighing,"is there a reason you don't want to talk about Jess?"The Dr questioned angering me,"yea cause she made my life hell"I snapped,"how did she do that Camila?"she asked again making me scoff,"what the hell didn't she do!"I hissed.

"She seems to trigger something in you,to make you snap?"she kept going on,"yea I think you'd be angry too if you were being hit everyday by a person you loved!"I raised my voice seeing red,
"Do you have nightmares about Jess Camila?"she asked not taking notice of my anger.

"No I don't have nightmares about Jess Dr I have memories"I snapped standing up,"and they are going to be in my head for the rest of my life,Same thing with being trapped in that fucking car that fucked my head up nothing you can say or do will make me forget memories"I yelled.

"Camila please calm down"Lauren stood up trying to grab my hand, I pulled in back before she could,"this is your fault"I hissed her eyes widening "what?"she breathed out "making me come to a fucking therapist when I said No making me remember all the fucked up things she did!"I yelled at her

"Camila calm down"Dr Morris told me standing up to face me,"this is not Lauren's fault"she told me,"she made me come here!"I hissed, "not about you coming here Camila!,Lauren didn't hurt you! You cannot be angry at her because of what Jess did to you!"Dr Morris told me making my eyes go wide slightly.

I looked at Lauren who was now sitting down again with her head in her hands,"it wasn't Lauren who hit you,it was Jess, it wasn't Lauren who trapped you in that car,it was that drunk driver,and it isn't Lauren who your angry with,it's yourself for not doing something about Jess earlier"Dr Morris explained making my hands fly up to my mouth.

Had I been blaming Lauren for all of this?all this time?,I couldn't take my eyes of her as she shook slightly obvious that she was crying with her head in her hands.Dr Morris offered her a tissue which she took gratefully, I was frozen on the spot watching as she dried her eyes.

The person I love drying her eyes after me making her cry,iv been blaming her for all the horrible things jess has done to me,I'm doing to her what jess did to me but mentally I'm hurting her,she's hurting and it's because of me.

She looked up at me with red eyes,with her mascara slightly run,i let out a shaky breath as she stood up walking towards me,when we were face to face,"I'm so sorry"I barely let out, she didn't say anything she just smiled slightly taking me into her embrace hugging me tightly,"I love you"I sobbed into her chest,"I love you camz"she sighed into my hair.

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