Chapter 14

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After last night I went straight to bed I was so embarrassed, I avoided Lauren this morning by getting up early and leaving to meet up with Dinah for breakfast.

"Hey"i smiled at her siting down in the booth she had occupied in IHop, "how are you doing?"she asked sympathetically I frowned "what do you mean?"i asked her confused,
"Lauren told ally and ally told me about last night"she admitted I avoided eye contact embarrassed."what happened mila?"she asked concern filling her voice.

"It's not that big of a deal D"i told her "I just skipped my medication it was my anxiety I'm fine"i told her honestly "mila this hasn't happened in like years"she told me sternly.

I sighed "it's just all the stuff with Jess has made my anxiety worse I'm fine I promise dinah"i told her she just looked at me Then nodded sadly.


After breakfast I had drove back to the hotel,i didn't really have nothing to do my shift doesn't start until 9 and it's only 3.
Going into the restaurant I seen ally but no Lauren which I'm kind of glad. I walked up to the bar were ally was and say on the other side.

"Welcome to Jauregui's food and cocktail bar what can I get- oh hey mila"she smiled looking up to finally notice me "hey you guys don't seem to busy today?"i questioned "yea we don't get alot of business on Fridays because everyone's waiting off to come to the club to night"she told me.

"That reminds me Mario has started night classes at the local college so he can only do part time and so you guys are getting a new DJ she's supposed to be
A-mazing"she told me "she?"i questioned iv never met a girl DJ before. "Yea her names Shay"she told me smiling. "cool can't wait to meet her"i told her.

"Oh hey Lauren"Ally spoke and i stiffened "hey"i heard Lauren from behind me, "I'll see you later ally I need to get ready for my shift"i told ally as she nodded. i turned and Lauren was literally right behind me "our shift doesn't start for another 5 hours"she frowned, I nodded "I got to uh I got to be prepared" I stuttered making my way around Lauren.

Making my way out the back of the hotel to head to Lauren's house I felt a tug at my wrist "camz"i heard her sigh I turned to see Lauren panting slightly she must have ran after me.
"Yea?"i asked trying to make it sound as if nothing was wrong. she frowned. She raised her hand placing it on my cheek not before making my flinch slightly. I closed my eyes tightly,"camz"she whispered,

"Camz look at me"I couldn't open my eyes I wanted to be anywhere but here right now. "Open your eyes camz"she told me, she started rubbing my cheek gently with her thumb. I couldn't help but lean into her hand.
"Camila please open your eyes"she pleaded with me.
I took a breath and opened my eyes.

As soon as I did I was met by the piercing green eyes I was afraid of in the first place.I sighed breaking eye contact.
"What's wrong camz"she asked I couldn't answer because I wasn't sure of the answer.
"Is it about last night?"she tried again, it was as if my Lips were glued shut.

"C'mon camila I'm trying here"she told me sounded a little more annoyed,I looked up to her meeting her eyes, "I'll see you when our shift starts Lauren"i smiled slightly turning around to walk away.
Not before hearing something contact the door leading into the hotel.
I turned round quickly to see Lauren connecting her fist with the door.

I quickly ran up to her grabbing the arm connected to the fist that she wasn't punching with pulling her away from the door she put her head in her hands I could here her cursing under her breath.
"What are you doing Lauren" I asked Shocked,she stayed silent "Lauren do you want to talk?"i asked again she said nothing "Lauren"i huffed out.
"Not nice is it?"she snapped I was kinda taken back.

"I'll see you at our shift camila"she told me turning and walking back into the hotel not before slamming the door after her. I sighed to myself before starting to walk to Lauren's house.


I made it to my shift right on time and Lauren was no were in sight.It was crowded like usual Making my way behind the bar,a girl approached it.She was tall and thin she had long brunette hair,her outfit was out she was wearing black skinny jeans with a red flannel top
"Hey what can I get you?"i asked smiling,
"How about your number?"she smirked I blushed slightly as she let out a small giggle.

"I'm shay"she exchanged her hand across the bar,
"Camila"i smiled "hot name"she smirked flirting again. "I better get back my breaks over"she told me.
Then it clicked "oh yea your the new DJ"I said,
"Yea how'd you know?"she asked, "my friend was telling me"i told her honestly.
"Didn't even have to meet you for you to talk about me with your friends"she smirked. I shook my head laughing slightly.
"I really should go tho nice to meet you camila"she smirked "you too shay"i smiled and she was gone.

"Looks like you and shay are introduced"I heard behind me making me jump turning I found Lauren glaring at me, "yea she seems cool"i told her, making her tense her jaw. "she seemed to like you"she hissed
I realised she was jealous, "laur she was being nice"i told her "she was flirting Camils open your god damm eyes"she snapped standing up straight and walking to the other end of the bar.

I sighed getting too work.

Soon after Shay had started her set the club was pumping she was an amazing DJ. Lauren was being so childish she wouldn't even come down the side of the bar I was at.

shay lowered the music I didn't take any notice I was giving someone there drink.
"This ones for the hot barmaid with the hot name"i heard Shay talk into the mic, my head snap up as I made eye contact with shay she winked pointing at me before starting up the music.

The whole time when shay wasn't mixing the music she was pointing to me dancing, when it got to the chorus she lifted the mic.
"Are you ready?"the crowd started chanting "how about to camila?"she smirked looking over me I smiled at her nodding.
'You are the piece of me I wish I didn't need, chasing relentlessly,so far and I don't know why, If our love is tragedy,why are you my remedy, If our love is sanity, why are you my clarity'
The music went throughout the room while she sang to me then the beat kicked in and she winked while she smirked then got back to mixing music.

I smiled to myself , turning sideways to catch Lauren laughing with some blonde, I caught her writing something down on napkin and handing it too Lauren then leaning over the bar to kiss laurens cheek before walking away, Lauren stuffed the napkin in her pocket, turning in my direction.

I looked at her in disbelief she seriously took a girls number,we stood staring at one another,before I was cut out of my gaze. "camila?"i heard infront of me turning I seen Shay suddenly feeling a smile on my face. "hey you were amazing up there"i complimented "thanks uh I'm heading out but before I go can I get your number?"she asked,

I froze for a second thinking about Lauren but remembering what had happened I nodded smiling, taking a napkin and pen from behind the bar I wrote my number down passing it to Shay. she smiled putting it in my pocket, "so I'll call you?"she smirked.

I leaned over the bar kissing the side of her lips "don't be shy"i whispered feeling my confidence, "I won't I'll talk to you soon then?"she asked smirking I nodded. "Talk to you then" I told her she winked at me and then left.

Turning standing behind me was Lauren, "what was that?"she spat i frowned "she asked for my number"i told her "and you gave her it!"she raised her voice I nodded "my shifts over"i told her "like us?"she narrowed her eyes I was slightly taken back.
"There never really was an us"i told her sighing seeing her face fall and hurt fill her eyes,I sighed walking away.

I hope you guys liked it,
Above is the Clarity Remix& Shays outfit.
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