Chapter 23

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After spending 2 hours in a cell another hour giving a statement and more wasteful time getting lectured at I was now in the car with camila driving us away from the police station.

I glanced over at her,her jaw was clenched her hands were gripping the steering wheel.She seemed so angry."camz"I sighed "don't!"she snapped,rolling my eyes I continued, "I got hit with a fine and a slap on the wrists there's nothing to be angry about"I told her.

"You were arrested lauren"she hissed at me,"Jesus Christ you don't think I know that me being the one that spent the day at the station!"I replied,"You shouldn't have let your anger get the better off you!"she raised her voice,"And you shouldn't have brought that psychopath into my life"I snapped back.

"Don't even start to blame me for this!"camila shouted "I wasn't blaming anyone!"I pushed "your to blame lauren,this wasn't an accident this wasn't someone being an ass this was you having a temper tantrum and you really need to grow the fuck up!"she spat

My eyes narrowed at her,"a temper tantrum!"I snapped "yes exactly that!"she hissed "Camila jess started this we were fine until she had to being a fucking lunatic getting all stalker-ish"I told her, "you didn't need to get the bat you wernt forced to wreck her car"she told me calmer than before.

"Jesus fuck"I spat before my fist hit the roof making a huge *Thump* noise obviously scaring camila has she served slightly.
"Jess used to do that"she told me quietly, "do what?"I questioned her frowning, she used to hit walls and doors when we got into fights then that wasn't enough so she started hitting me"she told me never taking her eyes off the road.

"Don't dare compare me to jess"my temper getting the better of me yet again,"you know I would never lay a finger on you" I carried on,her head turned to look at me,"do I?"she asked My mouth went slack "you can't be serious"I replied "maybe this was a bad idea"she told me "what?"I asked scared of her answer "me getting of that stupid plane maybe I should have left"she told me.

She can't be saying this,"we went over this we love each other"I told her quietly,"I can't deal with us always fighting! It hasn't even been a day lauren"she sighed."we don't always fight"I respond just to be scoffed at.

"If you want to go to LA go camila"I snapped at her she turned to look at me frowning,"you won't shut the fuck up about it so why don't you just get on a plane and go"she hiss knowing I don't mean this,"can you not remember I was on a plane that you begged me to get off I thought we both wanted this but if I'm here for no reason Maybe I should just leave"she snapped

"As long as you don't bring anymore off your exes or drama back"I spat my eyes widening slightly at what I said I cannot believe this, suddenly the car served of the road to the side and stop abruptly.

"Are you trying to kill us"I snapped "get out"I barley heard her mutter,"what?"I gulped quietly "I said get the fuck out of my car"she shouted,"camz"I said breathlessly "I'm not going to ask you again" she snapped,sighing I stepped out of the car about to say something just for her to reach over pull the door shut and drive off leaving me in the middle of the road speechless.

Getting my phone out to try and call for someone to pick me up or at least call a cab my phone had no signal,"great"I muttered to myself stuffing my phone back into my pocket and starting to walk.

About 20 minutes into walking past a line of traffic the source came into view,there had been a car crash and the car that was smashed into pieces was the same make as camilas. I felt as if my heart had stopped, there were ambulances and police everywhere a man being arrested and paramedics helping the injured.

I ran over to the car and my worst nightmare came true laying beside the wreck was camilas body as the paramedics tried to regain life into her body.i couldn't breath tears filled my eyes I bent down beside her "camz"I cried out.

"Ms you can't be here"the male paramedic told me whilst the female was breathing oxygen into camilas mouth,"I'm her girlfriend"I told him he sighed sadly and nodded helping the female.

"Let's get her into the ambulance will you be coming?"the female asked I nodded stepping side grabbing her hand she was out cold and I don't know if she will wake up and the last words I said to her were more harsh than any others Iv said to her, and for the second time again I went speeding off with sirens blaring.

Second capture because of the late update?
Sorry it's kind of turned sad.
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