Chapter 24

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"Clean your ears out! I'm her girlfriend"I yelled frustratedly to the receptionist,Iv been trying to find out were they rushed Camila too. "I'm sorry but only blood relatives are allowed information"she told me for the sixth time.
"Can you not hear me lady I'm her girlfriend!"I snapped at her.

Suddenly I felt an arm on my shoulder turning I seem Ally and Dinah,"we got your message where's mila?"Dinah asked her breathing unevenly,"I have no idea because I'm not her fucking blood relative and this lady doesn't seem to get that I'm her fucking girlfriend"I snapped the last bit towards the receptionist who looked like she could care less.

"I'm her sister were is she"Ally rushed towards the receptionist,I frowned at her smirking slightly, "your her sister? Really?"the receptionist took her glasses off frowning,"yes now can you tell me where the hell my sister is so me her girlfriend and her bestfriend and go see if she is ok!"ally yelled my eyes widened iv never seen her this angry before.

"She's in room 303"the receptionist told ally,"now was that so fucking hard"i huffed out storming away looking for room 303.

"Lauren what happened! You don't even have a scratch on you?"Dinah questioned "I wasn't in the car"I sighed "what?she was picking you up!"Ally piped in,"we got into an argument and she kicked me out of the car,I couldn't get in touch with any of you's so I started waking and the was a crash further up the road"I told them getting to the right floor.

"So the last person,the last conversation Mila could ever see or have was an argument with you!See if she's seriously hurt"Dinah hissed at me,making me frown at her "your blaming me?"I asked "yea I'm blaming you!how do you no her head wasn't somewhere else because of you arguing with her"she snapped,I guess she had a point,"guys come on mila doesn't need us arguing"Ally piped in leading Dinah and I into the the room.

There on the bed was camila her eyes shut and wires coming out of her arms,She had a big cut that had been stitched up on her forehead and bruises over her face and body.Looking at her brought tears to my eyes,my hands flew up to the back of my head has I tried to breath. Sitting beside her I took my hand in hers and kissed it softly "I'm so sorry"I told her.


A few hours later I was sitting with a unconscious camila whilst Ally and Dinah went for food,the door opened as I turned it was the doctor I jumped up,"is she oka what's happening"I rushed out.

"Ms Cabello is very lucky,she's not got any broken bones just scrapes and bruises"he told me making me sigh of relief,"but we're more worried about her mental health, it seems she hit her head pretty bad"he told me making me frown.

"What does that mean?"I asked "The can be various of things that will effect her,Temporary memory loss,it's not as bad as it sounds,she could just forget simply things like the day or if you were in the middle of a conversation she could completely forget what is was about"he explained.

"Most common are recurring nightmares,Paranoia,Mood swings"he tells me "they don't sound to bad"I tell him, "yea they can be just how they sound but it can get extremely bad"he tells me."how do you mean?"I ask uneasy.

"Well with the nightmares she could get them 4 out of the 7 nights a week,she could wake up sweating screaming you name it, it could be about anything from the car crash to family trouble"he tells me,I swallow heavily "and the others?"I ask, "The paranoia that can get to the point were she is afraid to go outside or have visitors,and the mood swings can get serious she can go into a state of deep depression then a few hours later she could be full of joy"he tells me.

"And there's nothing to help?"I ask him,"we can give her medication but that may help a little it'll not help a lot"he sighed,I turned back to look at her,My camz lying unconscious battered and bruised,sighing I turned back to the doctor,"when will she wake up?"I questioned,"she should be awake in the next 24 hours"He told me I nodded thanking him has he left turning back and taking my seat again beside camila taking her hand in mine.

I'm not a doctor👐I'm not sure if that can actually happen but in this it it?

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