Chapter 19

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Throwing another punch at the punch bag I heard my phone go off, walking over to it I answered.


A-What the hell are you doing Lauren!

L-Ally??I'm boxing?

A-Camilas leaving!

L- Iknow

A-then what the hell are you doing Lauren you told me you loved her!

L-I do ally!

A-then talk to her!

L-She doesn't feel the same,

A-She does and you know it! She is leaving in less than an hour!

L-What! How do you know?

A- I'm with her and Dinah we are having one last drink I'm at the bar getting them.

L-ally I'm all away cross town I'll not make it!

A-I'll try and stall her just try laur

L-Ok I'll be as fast as possible allycat by the way


L-thank you!

A-anytime Lauren

Hanging up I ran into the locker room getting dressed as quickly as possible, as soon as I was out of the boxing club I was in my car leaving going the fastest way I know but my luck the traffic decided to be a pain in the ass!

Beeping my horn as hard as I could obviously wasn't doing nothing so I quickly zoomed around the cars going in the wrong lane as it was empty having to serve in for others cars coming past I was finally away from traffic.

Driving as fast as possible I finally thought I had a chance to reach camila on time but with my fucking luck a police siren came out of know were clearly telling me to pull over as I did I reached for my license rolling down the window.

"Excuse me ma'am oh lauren" the officer said looking up I smiled "bill"I sighed "laur you were doing 70 in a 45 what the hell?"he questioned Bill was a family friend and clearly is very protective. "How about this I'll not speed anymore and I'll give you the suite at the hotel for the whole weekend for you and Susan and you can tell her you payed and i don't get a ticket?"I offered silently praying her would take it.

"The whole weekend?"he questioned I nodded furiously "got yourself a deal but slow down it'll not be me everytime laur"he warned "will do"I told him "see ha at the weekend"he smirked walking away.

Making my way back onto the road I drove for another ten minutes not speeding this time before pulling up and the hotel and jumping out slamming the door shut. Running inside I looked franticly for camila I turned spotting ally, reaching her she spotted me and gave me a sympathetic look and my heart stopped I had missed her.

Rubbing my face with my hands I felt like I was going to cry the girl I love is going to move to be with another girl and I could have talked to her about it before she made her decision instead of yelling at her.

"C'mon"ally spoke I frowned at her "where are we going?"I asked "not we you"she spoke "where am I going then?"I questioned "catch her at the airport you'll make it if you leave now laur go"she told me I smiled at her taking of not before mouthing a thank you too her.

Reaching my car at the front of the hotel I jumped into it,driving in the direction of the airport traffic wasn't as bad but it was still a lot way from the hotel.

A 20-30 minute drive later with no speeding I got to the airport parking and rushing inside I got to the front desk and realised I wouldn't get past security without buying a ticket which wasn't a problem for me.

"Uh can I have a ticket?"I asked "where will you be heading"the lady asked kindly "LA"I told her rushed she printed off my ticket as I handed her the money I went running franticly through the airport getting strange looks from other passengers as I was trying to find gate 7 flight 613 to LA.

Reaching the gate the passengers were boarding and I couldn't see camila anywhere standing on a chair I seen she was handing her boarding pass over about to board "Camila"I shouted "Camila!"I shouted louder this time some people turning heads but not the brown eyed beauty's.
"Camz!"I shouted louder this time her head snapped around and her eyes catching mine.

Walking up to me her eyes were still widened "what are you doing here lauren"she asked in disbelief "I came to say I'm sorry and that I don't want you to leave"I told her she frowned "I'm meeting shay out there"she told me I shook my head "please don't go"I pleaded,

"Why shouldn't i"she asked above a whisper, "because I don't want you too"I told her and she looked at me in disbelief that I had said that "No I mean I don't want you to because I want you to stay here with me because I love you!"I told her and her eyes widened slightly.

"You what?"she questioned "I love you camz"I told her she stared and me for a moment "Ms are you boarding the plan?"the attendant asked camila looked at her then back to me,"I have to go"she told me "you don't"I rushed out "the planes waiting laur"she told me,

She let go of the hand I was holding "please don't go camz"I told her my voice cracking slightly "I'm sorry I have to"she told me walking away and boarding the plan.

"But I love you"I whispered to myself a tear coming down my cheek.

I hope you guys liked it,
Above is a picture of the Airport.
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