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After a full year off being engaged Camila and Lauren finally tied the knot,with their bestfriends by their side,Ally,Dinah,Harry and Luke.

They were both in two simple but gorgeous white gowns.The two girls wanted it too be very intimate, only inviting around 6 people each. Unfortunately there were no family members present but the happy couple didn't care, They had the people who they cared about and who cared about them there and that's all that mattered.

A few of there old high school friends came, along with a few co-workers, and after a long talk on the phone Shay had agreed to attend.
It was the perfect day.

They had the Ceremony in a local church, not that either of them were religious, Camila just thought it was the proper way to do it, and Lauren being herself went along with Camila wanting to give her fiancé everything she wanted on her big day.Including a few surprises, involving a White horse and carriage to collect Camila, after all she did say she wanted to live happily ever after.

Afterwards they ate at the restaurant, Camila couldn't decide on a menu, so Lauren organised a buffet, not one of those cheap, nothing looks good buffets, but a huge buffet, with everything, There was pizza, burgers, roast dinner, tacos, finger foods, and of course there was a desert buffet, with a chocolate fountain, all sorts of cakes, truffles, Lauren even ordered a make your own Sunday bar, all different flavours of ice cream and toppings!

But there wedding cake sat smack bang in the middle.It was a 3 layer cake, the bottom, strawberry sponge for Camila, the Middle Chocolate for Lauren and the top a mixture of both.With two plastic brides perched on top.

After everyone stuffed themselves like a turkey on thanksgiving, they headed into the club, it was pitch black, confusing Camila.Until Lauren switched the light on but it wasn't the main lights, it was a spot light shinning on a gold plaque on the wall.Camila frowned turning to Lauren who was grinning."go cheek it out"Lauren told her making Camila walk towards the plaque.Camilas eyes widened.

"Jauregui's Hotel,Bar and Restaurant establishments proudly ran by owners, Lauren
Jauregui and Camila Jauregui"Camila turned around all the lights now on, with tears in her eyes, Lauren holding her hand out, which Camila gladly took, wrapping her arms around her wife's neck. "I can't believe you got that made"Camila smiled,"I love you"She added, "I love you too Camz"Lauren told her wife who was grinning from ear to ear when the music started.

Mario was DJing of course,"give it up for the happy couples first dance take it away Mrs and Mrs Jauregui" He spoke into the mic the music starting as soon as he sat it down. Lauren had chosen the song claiming it was going to be a surprise, Camila couldn't help but laugh, it Was there song. 'Every Time we touch' came on.

That night was just so perfect for both girls they didn't think life could get any better!

For the girls honeymoon they wanted to go somewhere cold, because they live in Miami which is always warm! The two couldn't decide, Lauren wanted to go to Canada but Camila wanted to go to Switzerland, the two just couldn't agree so for a fair choice they wrote down a lot of places that wouldn't be too warm and put them in a hat.

Lauren pushed the hat towards Camila wanting the younger girl to pick a piece of paper, sighing Camila put her hand in, handing what she had picked to Lauren. "Ready?"The older girl asked her wife,Camila nodded making Lauren unfold the paper her eyebrows raising,"what is it?"Camila asked making Lauren turn the piece of paper, written in bold letters,'Ireland'

So the girls planned their trip for a while deciding they would fly out to Dublin and travel around from there, both girls wanted to also go to Northern Ireland while they're there, So after a few days they would travel up to Belfast, Northern Ireland's capital city.The home of the titanic.

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