~Chapter 3~Welp Im Blind~

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"Uh Hello?"
George looked confused.
"George, it's me."
George looked like he was thinking until it clicked.
George hugged dream which caught him a little off guard. But he let him be, that was one happy person.
George stopped and looked at the mask he was wearing.
"Come on your here let me see your face."
George said laughing at the fact dream wore a mask in person.
"Hmm I don't know."
Dream said sarcastically.
George took a deep breath.
"Oh pwease dweam can I see ur face? uwu."
Dream started laughing.
"Did you just say "uwu" aloud?"
Dream held onto his suitcase to not fall from laughing so hard.
"George your such a dork."
He kept laughing.
While dream was leaned over George snatched of the mask while dreams face was closer to his height now.
Dream was still laughing but not as much, a little bit of it was from nervousness of what George would think.
George stood there for a good second just looking at him.
He had dirty Blonde hair and lots of freckles. He had a tiny bit of facial hair bye his chin. His face was brushed with tiny strawberry freckles (acne) and long eye lashes that complimented his hazel eyes.
Dream stopped laughing but was still smiling blushing slightly from embrassment.
"Woah? Haha am I that ugly."
George snapped out of his dazing and started waving his hands.
"No no no no you look pretty- I mean Ugh handsome? Wait no- you just uh-"
Dream laughing came back as George got more flustered.
"Hey guys!"
Sapnap came over and started waving.
George with his head down gave a small wave.
"Sapnap your not gonna believe-"
George punched dream shoulder.
Sapnap started laughing with dream unsure why he was laughing in the first place.
"Guyssss cmonmm."
Dream stopped dying of laughter wiping tears from his eyes.
"Hehe ok ok I'll stop. Let's get going."
As they got their rental car sapnap claimed that he was driving. George and dream didnt notice over them bickering for who would get the front seat.

Sapnap place his water bottle in the front seat forcing dream and George into the back. Even though the car was driving the two of them still bickered about the front seat.
They had stopped after about 15 minutes as they were pulling in the driveway of the house.

"Guys we are here."
Sapnap said unlocking the car.
George pointed to a small cactus in front of the door on a small table.
"Look we have our own cactus!"
Dream gave a small giggle while sapnap was trying to unlock the door to the house already out of the car.

When they had finally gotton into the house they all talked about the rooms and such. Sense. George had brought the most stuff he got the room with two beds because it was also bigger.
After throwing all their stuff into the rooms they chose they decided to explore the house a little. While sapnap looked in the fridge to see what was already there to know what food they needed to order, Dream was looking at the pool in the backyard. George was unpacking his stuff. They were all just checking things out and chatting for the most part, when they went to check the time is was around 6:42.
Sapnap splat his entire body in the kitchen counter.
"Guys I'm Hungie :("
George threw a Cracker he found at him, it hit him square in the face.
Sapnap gave a chuckle and then said.
"No no I mean like we should go eat something."
Dream finally chipped in.
"Eatting is over rateddddd."
The three of them giggled before sapnap went on about food and such. They had decided that Sapnap was going to drive to get Dairy Queen and come back home. Leaving just George and Dream alone talking to each other.

662 words

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